
Tens of elephants run amuck in Jambi

2007-02-27 - Jambi, Indonesia.

Tens of wild elephants ran amuck and destroyed at least 30 farming huts and plantation areas at the Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), Kerinci District, Jambi Province, Sumatra, on Monday. The elephants were disturbed by human encroachment in their habitat in the national park, Amirsyam, a spokesman of the Kerinci District administration, said here on Tuesday.

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Wild elephants run amok in Jambi

2006-11-29 - Jambi, Indonesia.

Six wild elephants have devastated hundreds of hectares of oil palm trees belonging to local smallholders in Tebo regency, Jambi. Most of the damage to the farms, located near Bukit Tigapuluh National Park in Sumay district, has been done at night, residents say. "The attacks usually start with the elephants 'crying' to each other. There is nothing we can do (to drive away the beasts)," said Bujang.

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Elephants attack Jambi villages

2005-07-31 - JAMBI, Indonesia.

A group of elephants from Bukit Tigapuluh National park attacked nearby villages in the last six months, destroying some 15,000 hectares of rubber and oil palm plantations in the area. No one was injured in the rampage. "Around 30 elephants attacked the plantations because they can't find their food in the national park area," Warsi environment organization Bukit Tigapuluh program coordinator Dicky Kurniawan said on Thursday.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from JAMBI2007-02-27 - Jambi, Indonesia - Tens of elephants run amuck in Jambi 2006-11-29 - Jambi, Indonesia - Wild elephants run amok in Jambi 2005-07-31 - JAMBI, Indonesia - Elephants attack Jambi villages

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