
Two trampled to death in Jhapa

2008-03-11 - Jhapa, Nepal.

Two persons were trampled to death by a wild elephant in Jhapa district on Tuesday morning. Aasame Tamanag was crushed at Haldaar Chowk in Damak at 6:30 this morning and one hour later Mahendra Poudel was crushed in Dhukurpani by the same wild elephant. In December last year, two persons were killed and one critically injured in a similar attack in Siraha district.

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Wild elephants kill woman in Jhapa

2006-10-17 - JHAPA, Nepal.

Maiya Shrestha of Mangalbare VDC-1 of Shantinagar died after a wild elephant crushed her to death on Monday evening. She came under the wild beast's attack when she was returning home after collecting animal fodder at the near by forest, where she had gone with her son and husband. Both her son and husband were lucky to escape the elephant's attack, but another woman received serious injury.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from JHAPA2008-03-11 - Jhapa, Nepal - Two trampled to death in Jhapa 2006-10-17 - JHAPA, Nepal - Wild elephants kill woman in Jhapa

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