Opal had lived at Hope Elephants between 2012 and 2014, before being returned to the Endangered Ark Foundation in Oklahoma.

Hope Elephants" Opal dies in Oklahoma

2017-01-23 - Hugo, United States.

Opal, one of two elephants who lived at the Hope Elephants sanctuary founded by Jim Laurita in 2012, died in Hugo, Okla. on Jan. 10, following a serious injury to her front left leg. Opal and her elephant companion at the Hope facility, Rosie, had been living at the Endangered Ark Foundation in Hugo since Sept. 2014. Opal was 48 years old.

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Armando Loyal is the head elephant trainer with Kelly Miller Circus. He has been in the circus business since the age of 5 and is a ninth generation circus performer

CIRCUS Q&A: Armando Loyal-Elephant Trainer

2012-10-24 - Hugo, United States.

Since the age of 5, Armando Loyal has been in the circus, with Kelly Miller Circus and a sister circus. His first performance was as a bareback rider. Before the circus, the Neosho Daily News asked Loyal some questions about how he got started in the circus, along with what are his duties in the circus today.

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The show must go on

2008-02-10 - Hugo, United States. Bill Hankins

“Our workers are going to have to double up and do triple time on the work load until we can get the exemptions back,” said Traci Cavallini of Carson & Barnes. “We have a good show this year and it is about ready to go on the road.” Carson & Barnes will have many new performers for this year’s show, and a new baby elephant, Val, born in April to show off to the world. Another young elephant born to the 29-member herd a few years ago — 4-year-old Obert — will perform. “He’s alwa...

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Baby elephant born at Carson and Barnes Circus Endangered Ark Foundation

2007-05-04 - Hugo, United States.

An 8,300-pound elephant and her newborn, who was 280 pounds at birth, are doing well at a breeding compound and retirement center for elephants in Hugo. Val was born to Whimpy after nearly 12 hours of labor on April 27 at the Endangered Ark Foundation. This is the third birth at the center, which was founded by D.R. Miller, whose family started the first Hugo-based circus.

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Judge allows Hawthorn elephants’ move to Hugo, Oklahoma

2005-06-23 - Hugo, Oklahoma, United States.

A federal judge has cleared the way for four elephants to come to The Endangered Ark, a non-profit foundation. However, an appeal being considered by an animal rights group known for its publicity-generating stunts could be forthcoming. U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled Tuesday that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has no legal standing to intervene in the move, which has not yet been scheduled.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Hugo, Oklahoma2005-06-23 - Hugo, Oklahoma, United States - Judge allows Hawthorn elephants’ move to Hugo, Oklahoma

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