
Tourists ride elephants to visit Hue royal citadel

2012-04-15 - Hue, Vietnam.

Two elephants have been used to serve visitors to the Hue royal citadel at Hue Festival 2012, besides tramcars. Tourists can also touch and take photo with these elephants. The Center for Preservation of Hue Relics bought the elephants two years ago. They have been trained since then to perform circus. They will be used to serve tourists during the Hue Festival only.

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Ceremonial elephant dies from water pipe lodged in throat

2007-01-31 - Hue, Vietnam. Bui Ngoc Long and Minh Phat

A 25-year-old elephant, a beast that has taken part in ritual processions in Hue ancient capital died last Saturday with a water pipe lodged in its gullet, said local authorities Wednesday. Nguyen Van Hung, head of Hue province’s animal health department, said the 4-ton animal had somehow gulped down two synthetic rubber pipes that then lodged in its esophagus.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Hue2012-04-15 - Hue, Vietnam - Tourists ride elephants to visit Hue royal citadel 2007-01-31 - Hue, Vietnam - Ceremonial elephant dies from water pipe lodged in throat

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