
Really wild show! Elephants hula with their trunks, dance on logs and even line up for a conga

2012-09-16 - Hannover, Germany.

These clever elephants were wowing visitors at a German zoo earlier this week as they put on a stellar dancing performance for the crowds. The group, consisting of both calves and adult beasts, performed on tree logs, played with hula-hoops and even got up to do the conga. The elephants may not make the cut for Strictly Come Dancing, but showed off some remarkable trunk-foot coordination.

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Asian elephant calf born in Hannover

2010-05-11 - Hannover, Germany. Rob Belterman

This morning an Asian bull calf was born in Hannover. Mother Farina, father Nikolai. This is Farinas first, and Nikolais third baby.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Hannover2012-09-16 - Hannover, Germany - Really wild show! Elephants hula with their trunks, dance on logs and even line up for a conga 2010-05-11 - Hannover, Germany - Asian elephant calf born in Hannover

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