
Mammoth Grevena tusk in Guinness Book of Records

2009-09-05 - Grevena, Greece.

A fossil mastodon tusk found in the northern Greek region of Grevena was officially entered into the Guiness Book of Records on Saturday as the largest ever found. The tusk is truly mammoth at 5.02 metres in length, dates back three million years and belongs to the extinct mastodon species Mammut borsoni. The previous record for the world's largest tusk was also held by a tusk found in the Grevena region in 1997, with a length of 4.39 metres.

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The tusks were well preserved (Photo: Prof Evangelia Tsoukala, 2007)

Greek mastodon find spectacular

2007-07-24 - Grevena, Greece.

The remains of a prehistoric mastodon have been found in northern Greece, including intact long tusks. A Dutch scientist at the site, Dick Mol, says the find near Grevena should help explain why mastodons died out in Europe two to three million years ago. The mastodon's tusks measure 5m (16.5ft) and 4m, Mr Mol told the BBC. They are the longest tusks ever found on a prehistoric elephant-like animal. "It is spectacular," Mr Mol said.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Grevena2009-09-05 - Grevena, Greece - Mammoth Grevena tusk in Guinness Book of Records 2007-07-24 - Grevena, Greece - Greek mastodon find spectacular

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