The life size giraffe models act as a psychological barier for the elephants

Assam tea estate keeps elephants at bay with life size models of giraffes

2019-10-31 - Golaghat, India.

A a herd of 50-60 elephants heading for the tea estate changed its path when they saw a life size dummy giraffe. “We have installed three giraffes made of fiber in our tea estate last week as a measure to protect our crops from elephants,” said Utpal Goswami, the manager at the Dolaguri Tea Estate in Golaghat’s Letekujan area.

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Elephant attacked and injured by tiger

2009-08-15 - Golaghat, India.

An elephant was attacked and seriously injured by a tiger in world-famous Kaziranga National Park (KNP), forest officials said today. The six-year-old female elephant was attacked by a tiger in the northern part of the Park and its hind legs were injured last night, KNP director S N Buragohain told PTI. The elephant, which had its ears torn apart in the incident, was being treated at the camp office of the Park where her condition was stated to be stable, he said.

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Elephant festival to begin at Kaziranga National Park

2009-02-09 - Golaghat, India.

The seventh elephant festival would begins on Monday in Assam's Kaziranga National Park, a world heritage site and home to the highly endangered one-horned rhinos. Organised jointly by state Tourism and Forest department and Golaghat district administration, 50 elephants would be on display during the four-day event. The organisers said the highlight of the festival, to be attended by a host of foreign and domestic tourists, would be the "harmony procession" to focus on the topic of man-elephant...

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The Gruesome Death Of An Elephant In Assam

2007-10-13 - Golaghat, India.

Its tail had been cut and was hanging loosely from its outer skin. There were spears stuck on its head, back and leg. And its body bore deep cuts. Those who saw the elephant before it died could have sworn that it was begging for mercy. How the 13th elephant to be killed in Assam in northeast India this year - either by humans or in accidents - met its death is a story that animal lovers would hate to hear.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Golaghat2019-10-31 - Golaghat, India - Assam tea estate keeps elephants at bay with life size models of giraffes 2009-08-15 - Golaghat, India - Elephant attacked and injured by tiger 2009-02-09 - Golaghat, India - Elephant festival to begin at Kaziranga National Park 2007-10-13 - Golaghat, India - The Gruesome Death Of An Elephant In Assam

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