2016-11-03 - Gibsonton, United States.
Mystery still surrounds the death of a Florida man whose 3-year-old son answered his phone Monday afternoon after they failed to return from a ride on a nearby river. The body of 38-year-old William “Billy†Morris was found Tuesday morning along the south shoreline of the Alafia River in Gibsonton, Florida, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.
2007-01-18 - GIBSONTON, United States. Mitch Traphagen
This weekend, 13-year-old Felicia Frisco will introduce you to Dumbo and Gina, two elephants with whom she has literally grown up. The elephants are at home at the winter home of Terry Frisco. Frisco and his family travel, along with their elephants and tigers, several months out of the year working at circuses and performing educational shows around the country. This weekend, the elephants along with Frisco’s teenage daughter will perform in Gibsonton.
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