
Sierra Leone elephants wiped out by poachers

2009-11-26 - Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Poachers "wiped out" the entire elephant herd in Sierra Leone's only wildlife park, wildlife managers said Thursday after police said they had arrested a gang of 10 poachers. "It is likely that the elephant population is wiped out," Ibrahim Bangura, senior superintendent of the agriculture ministry's Conservation and Wildlife Management Unit.

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African elephants

SierraLeone report upsurge in elephant poaching

2007-10-18 - Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Authorities in Sierra Leone on Thursday expressed concern at the upsurge in elephant poaching after at least 10 jumbos were killed in the past two months in the west African country for meat and illicit ivory trade. Senior wildlife official Kailie Bangura said the animals were killed in two wildlife parks in the remote northern Outaba Kilimi and Loma Mountain parks near the border with Guinea. He suspected the elephants fell prey to foreign hunters.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Freetown2009-11-26 - Freetown, Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone elephants wiped out by poachers 2007-10-18 - Freetown, Sierra Leone - SierraLeone report upsurge in elephant poaching

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