
Elephant now a Somerset County resident

2009-11-14 - Fairhope, United States.

On Friday, Somerset County welcomed a new elephant to its population. The elephant needs no space to roam and lives in Somerset Borough. Do not fear, Jackson, the fiberglass elephant, is a tame and gentle creature. Jackson was recently put together on the grounds of Laurel Arts at 214 South Harrison Avenue. The fiberglass elephant is the estimated size of the African elephants at the International Conservation Center in Fairhope Township.

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Female African elephants Bette (left) and Kallie check out their new 3.5-acre paddock at the International Conservation Center.

Three"s company: Female elephants explore new domain

2009-07-28 - Fairhope, United States. BERNIE HORNICK

The stage is set for the biggest romance Somerset County has ever seen. But only one of the two players is certain: Jackson, the bull elephant who lives at the International Conservation Center. He gets to pick his love interest from the new arrivals, Kallie and Bette – pronounced Bet. Jackson hasn’t yet been given the chance to decide: As is often the case in matters of the heart, timing is everything, and zookeepers want to get this one right. The ICC on Monday introduced the girls to thei...

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Groups protesting elephant breeding

2009-07-11 - Fairhope, Pennsylvania, United States. CUMBERLAND TIMES-NEWS

A trio of animal-rights groups is railing against the pending move of two elephants to Pittsburgh Zoo’s conservation center in Somerset County. The organizations — including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — argue that the two pachyderms from Philadelphia’s zoo are too old for breeding and would be confined to “small pens” at the Fairhope-area facility. But the zoo’s top administrator begs to differ, saying the activists’ assertions are misleading and, in some cases, ...

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Philly Pachyderms Relocate, Take Turnpike West To Pittsburgh Zoo Facility

2009-06-24 - Fairhope, Pennsylvania, United States.

Their trunks are packed, and they're headed west. Kallie and Bette, the Philadelphia Zoo's two female African elephants, are moving to southern Pennsylvania. They'll join Jackson, a male African elephant, at the Pittsburgh Zoo's center for rare and endangered species. The zoos said the pachyderms will be trucked to their new quarters in a specially equipped trailer after the July 4 weekend. The Pittsburgh Zoo's 724-acre International Conservation Center is a new preservation and education facili...

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Elephant barn nears completion

2008-06-07 - Fairhope, United States. KECIA BA

Pittsburgh Zoo administrators are taking advantage of construction-friendly weather to work toward finishing a barn for bull elephants to be brought to a new breeding center in Somerset County this year. “It’s moving along very well,” zoo spokeswoman Tracy Gray said. “Construction is underway.” By August, the center should be complete at a 724-acre former game preserve that the zoo is turning into an International Conservation Center. African elephants are the first on a list of endang...

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Pittsburgh Zoo Breaks Gound For New Elephant Sanctuary In Somerset

2007-10-19 - Fairhope, United States.

Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium officials broke ground on Friday on construction of a new 10,000 square-foot building at the International Conservation Center in Somerset County. The building is the first of several that will be the cornerstone of elephant breeding and other conservation management programs. The first building will provide housing for at least four elephants and will be ready in time for the arrival of the Philadelphia Zoo's three elephants: Petal, 51; Kallie, 24; and Bette, 24,...

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Pittsburgh Zoo to announce conservation center plans

2007-10-04 - Fairhope, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium will announce its plans for an elephant conservation center in Somerset County later this month. Details of the $1.5 million International Conservation Center will be announced at the Oct. 19 groundbreaking. The 724-acre Glen Savage Ranch was once a private hunting preserve. The zoo bought it and is turning it into the first breeding ground for endangered African elephants in North America.

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Residents, zoo officials discuss elephant center

2007-09-14 - Fairhope, United States. TIFFANY WRIGHT

Residents who will soon be neighbors to African elephants attended an informal gathering to discuss the effect the animals may have on the community. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium officials addressed residents' questions and concerns at Glen Savage Ranch Thursday night regarding the development of the International Conservation Center. The center is located on the 724-acre property and will focus on African elephant breeding. There are also plans to construct shelters, stalls and an indoor arena...

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Elephants soon could roam in the Somerset County

2006-08-08 - FAIRHOPE, United States. KECIA BAL

The 724 acres might look like a curious wilderness, "but I see it more as a revolution on how you manage elephants," said Barbara Baker, CEO of the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. The zoo’s International Conservation Center will be North America’s first breeding grounds for the endangered elephants and may serve as the U.S. base for elephant experts from the Institute of Berlin.

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7 Headlines about Elephants from FAIRHOPE2009-11-14 - Fairhope, United States - Elephant now a Somerset County resident 2009-07-28 - Fairhope, United States - Three"s company: Female elephants explore new domain 2008-06-07 - Fairhope, United States - Elephant barn nears completion 2007-10-19 - Fairhope, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo Breaks Gound For New Elephant Sanctuary In Somerset 2007-10-04 - Fairhope, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo to announce conservation center plans 2007-09-14 - Fairhope, United States - Residents, zoo officials discuss elephant center 2006-08-08 - FAIRHOPE, United States - Elephants soon could roam in the Somerset County

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