
Murderous Mary being hanged everywhere!

2008-01-08 - Erwin, United States. Betty B. Chandler

I was checking out our news partner, WEMB’s news headlines recently, only to learn that there have been two more productions dealing with the demise of “Murderous Mary,” the elephant that was hanged on September 13, 1916 at the Second Street railroad crossing in Erwin. According to the news story on WEMB's Web site, one play written in Nashville by Mathew Carleton, sticks to the basics, more or less, in a theatrical setting. The other, according to the WEMB clip, is another story. The Aust...

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Mary hanging from the locomotive crane at Railroad headquarters at Erwin

Hanging Mary revisits shocking Tennessee tale

2007-03-04 - Erwin, United States. FIONA SOLTES, The TENNESSEAN

Mary, the circus elephant who was notoriously hanged for murder in 1916 after trampling her caretaker Red Eldridge of St. Paul, became a black eye for the Sparks Traveling Circus and the town of Erwin, Tenn. But now, there's more to her story. In the hands of playwright Matthew Carlton, her hanging represents injustice, cruelty and discrimination of all sorts the kind that the thousands who stood and watched might not have considered.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Erwin2008-01-08 - Erwin, United States - Murderous Mary being hanged everywhere! 2007-03-04 - Erwin, United States - Hanging Mary revisits shocking Tennessee tale

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