
El Paso Zoo"s elephant Juno dies after cancer fight

2021-03-19 - El Paso, United States.

Juno the elephant of the El Paso Zoo has died at 53 after fighting breast cancer, the city reported Friday morning. On April 16, 2002, the City Council voted 4-2 to bring another elephant to the El Paso Zoo. Juno, a then 8,000-pound 35-year-old female, arrived later that month, donated by the Center for Elephant Conservation of Polk City, Florida, which is affiliated with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

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Juno the Elephant will undergo surgery to remove tumor no longer responding to chemo

2020-11-13 - El Paso, United States.

One of the El Paso Zoo’s Asian elephants, Juno, will undergo her seventh cancer treatment this week. In October 2016, Juno was diagnosed with a malignant mass in her right mammary gland, commonly known as breast cancer. This is the only currently known case of breast cancer in an elephant; elephants are generally not diagnosed with cancer.

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El Paso Zoo’s Juno the Elephant will Receive Cancer Treatment

2017-03-04 - El Paso, United States.

The El Paso Zoo has chosen a treatment protocol for Juno, the 49-year-old Asian elephant diagnosed with a malignant mass in her right mammary gland in January. The zoo team discussed her case with elephant experts and veterinary specialists around the United States to determine the best course of action. Cancer is rare in elephants, and this type of tumor has never been previously reported.

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49-year-old elephant Juno in El Paso Zoo diagnosed with malignant mass

2017-01-28 - El Paso, United States.

The animal care staff at the El Paso Zoo have received a biopsy report indicating a mass in 49-year-old Asian elephant Juno’s right mammary gland appears malignant, meaning the cells in the mass are exhibiting cancerous characteristics. These results come after several months of close observation and multiple diagnostic procedures. Since receiving the biopsy results, the Zoo veterinarians have been actively researching safe treatment options and consulting with national elephant health ex...

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Firefighters Called To Help Elephant Savannah Stand

2009-09-22 - El Paso, United States.

Firefighters used special inflating airbags to lift the 7,700-pound elephant Savannah when she could not stand on her own Monday morning at the El Paso Zoo. The rescue team was called after Savannah, who is 57 years old, was unable to stand up after lying on an incline, zoo officials said. Medical staff are monitoring the Asian elephant and gave her anti-inflammatory medicine.

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El Paso Zoo’s 7th Annual Elephant Festival

2008-09-27 - El Paso, United States.

Festival is the word – as the El Paso Zoo highlights our city’s favorite pachyderms Savannah and Juno in a celebration of elephants worldwide. You’ll have BIG fun while you support conservation of the world’s largest land mammal. You’ll touch neat bio-facts from elephants, kids can play elephant-themed games, or buy a ticket for the opportunity to actually walk into the elephant exhibit area and hide produce to feed Conservation Ambassadors; Savannah and Juno, the El Paso Zoo’s Asian...

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El Paso Zoo Elephant Festival

2007-10-06 - El Paso, United States.

Pack your Trunks for a positively pachydermic experience! Come visit the El Paso Zoo to support conservation of the world’s largest land mammal. You’ll touch neat bio-facts from elephants or buy your ticket for the opportunity to actually walk into the elephant exhibit area and hide produce to feed our own Conservation Ambassadors – Savannah and Juno the El Paso Zoo’s Asian elephants. RSVP quickly to reserve your space at the special “Breakfast with the Elephants.” Did you know eleph...

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Monica Balderrama reports on Zoo Elephants

Juno And Savannah To Stay in El Paso Zoo

2007-03-28 - El Paso, United States. Monica Balderrama

Tuesday, the elephants Juno and Savannah slept in a barn at the zoo, where it seems they'll stay permanently. El Paso City Council voted 6-2 to keep them in the El Paso Zoo.
On Tuesday, the new zoo director, Steve Marshall, told city council the zoo is fit to have two Asian elephants in its collection and it should continue to be involved with elephants in the future. He even said he's working on getting a third elephant.

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Video: Monica Balderrama reports: Elephants

Will El Paso Zoo Elephants Stay Or Go?

2007-03-26 - El Paso, United States.

The Asian elephants Juno and Savannah are the reasons why a lot of people visit the El Paso Zoo. The elephants are one of the main attractions but one thats been controversial for the last two years. The last briefing we got in 2006 told us to increase the size of the enclosure to make it a humane enclosure for those elephants, it's going to cost us $15-$20 million, said Rep. Beto ORourke.

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Zoos elephants, Cincinnati safety top councils agenda

2007-03-26 - El Paso, United States. David Crowder

A long-awaited report on recommendations about the El Paso Zoos two elephants is on City Councils Tuesday agenda along with a discussion about new safety measures in the area around North Mesa and Cincinnati Avenue. Also at Tuesday's council meeting, the new zoo director, Steve Marshall, is scheduled to deliver his report and recommendations on the fate of the zoo's elephant exhibit and elephants Juno and Savannah.

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The city council also discussed the fate of the elephants at the El Paso Zoo today.

2007-02-06 - El Paso, United States.

There have been continuous concerns about the elephants living in inhumane conditions. Today, the zoo's new director, Steve Marshal, asked the council for more time to review the issue. He says he wants to research two other zoos that have elephants and two that do not. Marshal promises to have a recommendation by late March.

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El Paso City to consider moving El Paso zoo"s elephants

2007-02-05 - El Paso, United States. David Crowder, El Paso Times

What to do about the El Paso Zoo's two elephants, Savannah and Juno, is back on the City Council's agenda Tuesday. The question is whether the zoo's elephant habitat is so inadequate that the aging elephants would be better off at a sanctuary in Tennessee and whether subjecting them to the journey and the stress would put them in greater danger than they are now, South-West city Rep. Beto O'Rourke said.

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El Paso Elephants Top Priority For New Zoo Director

2007-01-12 - El Paso, United States. Elizabeth O'Hara/KFOX News at Nine Anchor

The El Paso Zoo's new director, Steve Marshall, is just three days on the job but already he has an idea of what the year will bring. "You gotta start somewhere, and I think the situation is going to clear itself up," Marshall said Friday.

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Council Waits on Elephants, Changes Cell Tower Rules Scrutiny at the zoo will have to wait another week.

2006-09-05 - El Paso, United States.

All eyes are on the El Paso Zoo after new allegations of elephant abuse surfaced. Last week, we reported on allegations that a long-time zoo employee beat Juno the elephant. This is not the first time Allen Seidon has been connected to animal abuse. He was caught on tape beating Sissy the elephant in 1999. After much heated debate last year, Council voted unanimously to keep the elephants in El Paso, rather than send them to a sanctuary in Tennessee.

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Another Allegation of Elephant Abuse at the El Paso Zoo. Same man accused in this mistreatment as with prior beating.

2006-08-31 - El Paso, United States.

The El Paso Zoo is under fire again for alleged mistreatment of elephants. Back in 1999 trainers were caught on tape abusing Sissy the elephant.That tape forced the city to send Sissy to a elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. Ironically, this latest allegation also involves Allen Seidon, one of the men videotaped beating Sissy. City officials say Seidon reportedly slapped one of the remaining two elephants during an incident.

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Council Considers Expanding Elephant Space

2005-09-13 - El Paso, United States.

It's been nearly two months since El Paso City Council voted to look into expanding the El Paso Zoo elephant exhibit. Tuesday Mayor John Cook told KFOX the plans for expansion could be bigger than first announced. As KFOX was first to report, animal rights activists say Juno and Savannah suffer captivity-induced health problems, allegedly because they are kept on too small a plot of land.

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Elephant Controversy Heads To Council

2005-06-06 - El Paso, United States. Elizabeth O'Hara

Animal rights activists say it's a rare occasion to hear Juno trumpeting in her El Paso Zoo habitat. They say too often, she and Savannah, the area's only elephants, spend their days endlessly swaying out of the boredom and frustration they get from living at the zoo. "When you go down and see Savannah and Juno standing in their small enclosure with very little shade and not moving around a lot, I'm not sure that teaches children anything," said Marilie Sage, who heads up the local group, "Conce...

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El Paso Zoo Takes Action To Keep Elephants

2005-05-27 - El Paso, United States.

Zoo volunteers are now collecting signatures, petitioning city council to keep Juno and Savannah in El Paso. As we reported, animal rights activists say they've sent about 2 thousand postcards to the mayor's office in the last two and a half weeks asking council to remove the elephants and send them to a sanctuary in Tennessee.

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Elephant Supervisor, El Paso Zoo

2005-04-18 - El Paso, United States. AZA

This individual supervises and participates in the care and management of the segment of the Zoo's animal collection consisting of elephants, non-domestic hoof stock, primates, marine mammals and other exotic animals and the associated maintenance of exhibits, animal facilities grounds and service areas.

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19 Headlines about Elephants from El Paso2021-03-19 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Zoo"s elephant Juno dies after cancer fight 2020-11-13 - El Paso, United States - Juno the Elephant will undergo surgery to remove tumor no longer responding to chemo 2017-03-04 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Zoo’s Juno the Elephant will Receive Cancer Treatment 2017-01-28 - El Paso, United States - 49-year-old elephant Juno in El Paso Zoo diagnosed with malignant mass 2009-09-22 - El Paso, United States - Firefighters Called To Help Elephant Savannah Stand 2008-09-27 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Zoo’s 7th Annual Elephant Festival 2007-10-06 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Zoo Elephant Festival 2007-03-28 - El Paso, United States - Juno And Savannah To Stay in El Paso Zoo 2007-03-26 - El Paso, United States - Will El Paso Zoo Elephants Stay Or Go? 2007-03-26 - El Paso, United States - Zoos elephants, Cincinnati safety top councils agenda 2007-02-06 - El Paso, United States - The city council also discussed the fate of the elephants at the El Paso Zoo today. 2007-02-05 - El Paso, United States - El Paso City to consider moving El Paso zoo"s elephants 2007-01-12 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Elephants Top Priority For New Zoo Director 2006-09-05 - El Paso, United States - Council Waits on Elephants, Changes Cell Tower Rules Scrutiny at the zoo will have to wait another week. 2006-08-31 - El Paso, United States - Another Allegation of Elephant Abuse at the El Paso Zoo. Same man accused in this mistreatment as with prior beating. 2005-09-13 - El Paso, United States - Council Considers Expanding Elephant Space 2005-06-06 - El Paso, United States - Elephant Controversy Heads To Council 2005-05-27 - El Paso, United States - El Paso Zoo Takes Action To Keep Elephants 2005-04-18 - El Paso, United States - Elephant Supervisor, El Paso Zoo

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