
Baby elephant at San Diego Zoo"s Safari Park gets a name

2010-08-27 - Escondido, United States.

A male African elephant born at the former San Diego Zoo´s Wild Animal Park three months ago will be called Emanti, which means "water" in the language of Swaziland, zoo officials announced Thursday. The calf was born May 12 at the newly renamed San Diego Zoo Safari Park located in southeast Escondido. More than 1,000 name suggestions were submitted via the zoo´s website. Of those, three finalists were chosen for a public vote.

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San Diego Wild Animal Park Baby Elephant Healthy, Just Not Steady

2007-03-13 - ESCONDIDO, United States.

San Diego's Wild Animal Park has a new elephant in its herd. A 17-year-old African elephant The mother, Litsemba, gave birth at 9:14 p.m. to a male calf Sunday. View Images: Elephant Hours After Birth. Raw Video: Elephant Stumbles After Birth. Images taken by park staff Monday morning show the calf is healthy, but not too steady on his feet yet.

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Keepers preparing for birth of African elephant

2004-01-23 - ESCONDIDO, United States. ANDREA MOSS

The countdown has begun, even if nobody knows when it will end. Anticipation is mounting behind the scenes at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, where keepers are closely monitoring a pregnant African elephant that is expected to give birth in the next month or two. Ultrasounds and hormone tests suggest the mother is about 21 months into a pregnancy that, if it follows the average, will last 22 months.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from ESCONDIDO2010-08-27 - Escondido, United States - Baby elephant at San Diego Zoo"s Safari Park gets a name 2007-03-13 - ESCONDIDO, United States - San Diego Wild Animal Park Baby Elephant Healthy, Just Not Steady 2004-01-23 - ESCONDIDO, United States - Keepers preparing for birth of African elephant

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