2022-03-05 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
CLAIRE Bennett still recalls the day Colchester Zoo’s manager called her into his office and asked if she would like to try working with the elephants. “Since that moment I have never looked back,” admits Claire, who starting working at the attraction in Maldon Road in 1994.
2013-05-05 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
The Essex Air Ambulance was dispatched to Colchester Zoo, where a 19-year-old woman was reported to be suffering breathing problems. The wide, flat space inside the elephant pen was believed to be the best spot for the aircraft to touch down when it arrived just before 11.30am. It is believed that the four elephants in the enclosure were moved inside their house before the helicopter landed.
2009-01-30 - Colchester, United Kingdom. RODDY ASHWORTH
It turned out to be a case of “Who's the (big) daddy?” Because today it emerged that an elephant credited with siring a yet-to-be-born calf had nothing to do with the pregnancy. Yesterday Colchester Zoo announced that Opal, a cow elephant at the Stanway attraction, had become pregnant thanks to its bull elephant Tembo. Tembo, who has been at the zoo with Opal for 10 years, is already a father of four - Kito, Jambo, Abu and Thabo-Umasi. But it transpires that when Opal was artificially insemi...
2009-01-27 - Colchester, United Kingdom. Roddy Ashworth
AN elephant acquired by a zoo after its original owner was prosecuted for animal cruelty has become pregnant for the first time. Opal the elephant became pregnant by fellow herd-member Tembo at Colchester Zoo through artificial insemination and is expected to give birth in the spring of next year. The move comes on the 10th anniversary of the prosecution of Mary Chipperfield and her husband for the abuse of a number of animals in their travelling circus. The unhappy conviction paved the way for ...
2008-09-12 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
THIS delightful snap shows best friends, Kito and Jambo, messing around at Colchester Zoo - and will provide happy memories for those who remember the young elephants before leaving East Anglia for warmer climes. The moment was captured by reader James Meadows, whose wildlife photos are often featured on the pages of the Star. Mr Meadows, 58, of Gloucester Road, Ipswich, took the snap during February half term when the country was enjoying slightly more favourable weather. The keen photographer ...
2008-03-05 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
Jambo the African Elephant, has left Colchester Zoo for BioParc Valencia in Spain. The brand new state of the art zoo is to be Jambo's new home where he will soon by joined his half brother Kito as part of a European Breeding Programme. To minimize the disruption to our herd, the decision was taken to move Jambo and Kito one at a time and Jambo was selected to go first as although the youngest he is the most confident and boisterous of the two.
2008-03-03 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
FANS of one of Colchester Zoo's most popular animals were out to say their farewells at the weekend after Jambo the young elephant's departure date was announced. Last year it was announced that Jambo and his half-brother Kito, both African bull elephants, were to travel to make a new home at a Spanish zoo where they would take part in a European Breeding programme. And now it has been confirmed that Jambo will be the first to leave the Stanway visitor attraction and begin the four day journey t...
2008-03-02 - Colchester, United Kingdom. Colchester Zoo
We have just received confirmation that Jambo the African Elephant, will be leaving for BioParc Valencia in Spain on Tuesday 4th March. This is a brand new state of the art zoo and we are very pleased that it has been confirmed that he will be moving along with his half brother Kito as part of the European Breeding Programme. We know that they will both be in very good hands. Unfortunately, his leaving date has only just been confirmed so we are sorry for the late notice but do hope that you wil...
2007-12-30 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
AN elephant never forgets, and we won't either. Since Kito and Jambo were born at Colchester Zoo thousands of adoring visitors have enjoyed watching them play, eat and grow. And The Evening Star has followed their progress closely too, reporting on their development and training. But now the duo are off to pastures new to take part a European breeding programme. So from early next year five-year-old Kito and Jambo, who will turn four in March, will be in Valencia in Spain.
2007-12-28 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
COLCHESTER Zoo's two young African Bull Elephants, Jambo and Kito, will be transferring to a new zoo in Spain in February or March to take part in a European breeding programme, it has emerged. The two young elephants are particularly important genetically, so have been selected to take part in a breeding programme at BioParc Valencia in Spain. Zoological Director of Colchester Zoo, Anthony Tropeano, said they would be “extremely sad” to see the elephants go. He said: “We have always known...
2007-11-08 - Colchester, United Kingdom. James Hore
ONE of Colchester Zoo's favourite elephants has been put down after suffering from serious health problems. Rosa had been part of a circus but came to the zoo in 1998 where she quickly became popular with both staff and visitors. The African elephant gave birth to Jambo in 2004 but since then showed signs of severe discomfort. A team of experts carried out a series of investigations into her condition, but concluded surgery was not a viable option.
2007-09-26 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
Zoo keepers at Colchester Zoo have become extremely concerned about the health of one of its elephants. Keepers at the zoo are worried about the progress of Rosa the elephant, who has been under a pioneering drug treatment for several months now with no improvement. In May Rosa was examined under anaesthetic to assess her condition which was causing her obvious discomfort and compromising her welfare. The procedure confirmed scarring to her vagina which was affecting the nerves in the pelvic are...
2007-08-19 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
NO youngster likes the idea of a trip to the dentist, but for Kito, the first elephant to be born at Colchester Zoo, the dentist came to him. The four-year-old elephant somehow broke his tusk about six weeks ago - probably on a rock in the elephant enclosure - and after inspection it was decided he needed the help of a specialist. So zoo bosses called in Peter Kertesz, who while having a dental practice for humans in the West End of London, also has a sideline in exotic animals.
2007-07-11 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
Colchester Zoo is very sad to report that “Rosa” one of Colchester Zoo’s female elephants has had to be put to sleep due to serious health problems. Rosa gave birth to Jambo, back in 2004 and since then had showed signs of severe discomfort, particularly whilst passing urine. Diagnosis of elephants is not an easy task, particularly due to their size so Colchester Zoo assembled a team of experts to investigate her symptoms. The team included the zoo’s consultant veterinary surge...
2007-05-01 - Colchester, United Kingdom. DANIELLE NUTTALL
A FEMALE elephant which was rescued from the circus seven years ago to begin a new life at Colchester Zoo is suffering from serious health problems, it has emerged. In a statement, Colchester Zoo said last night: “To put any animal to sleep is a hard decision but it becomes especially difficult when dealing with such a large, intelligent, and well-loved animal as Rosa.
2007-03-30 - Colchester, United Kingdom.
Unfortunatly, there is great concern surrounding Rosa the elephant at the moment. Rosa has been on treatment for the last two years for the pain that she has been suffering from inoperable problems with her vagina and urinary tract. Unfortunately, this pain relief is no longer proving effective and we are awaiting a decision from our veterinary consultants as to the best course of action.
2007-01-29 - Colchester, United States.
It was on January 17 that Colchester Zoo discovered Zola was pregnant after tests were carried out by the German Primate Research Centre in Goettingen. A zoo spokeswoman said: “Keepers at Colchester Zoo were confident that she was indeed pregnant as she had not been in oestrus for some months. “A birth date is not yet known, however from several observed matings keepers at Colchester Zoo expect it to be around February or March 2008.”
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