Jeff Corwin, host of The Jeff Corwin Experience on Animal Planet, travels and interacts with all manner of critters. Here, he

He"ll tell wild tales at library. Jeff Corwin speaks Saturdayat the Clearwater Main Libraryon ecology and global warming.

2008-02-01 - Clearwater, United States. TERRI BRYCE REEVES

He's the television host with boyish good looks, a vast knowledge of wild animals and apparently no fear of teeth, claws or poisonous stingers. On Saturday, the 2004 Emmy winner will take a break from the cameras and man-eating lions to venture into the Clearwater Main Library, where he'll present a 45-minute talk, "Tales from the Field." Cambodian elephants once numbered in the thousands. Now there are "less than 150 in the wild in that part of the world," he said. Poachers and loss of natural ...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Clearwater2008-02-01 - Clearwater, United States - He"ll tell wild tales at library. Jeff Corwin speaks Saturdayat the Clearwater Main Libraryon ecology and global warming.

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