2016-04-21 - Birmingham, United States.
The Birmingham Zoo’s beloved African elephant, Bulwagi, is set to receive potentially life-saving surgery in May to remove his infected tusk. The surgery is a very involved process requiring intense preparation, so the Birmingham Zoo is bringing in experts from the Colyer Institute and extra veterinary assistance from across the country to help with the multiple hour operation.
2015-11-17 - Birmingham, United States.
When Birmingham Zoo veterinarians approached researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Engineering to help them stop a crack from growing in their oldest elephant’s tusk, the engineers saw an opportunity to use their expertise in materials science to improve the industry standard for the repair process.
2015-11-16 - Birmingham, United States.
Bulwagi, the Birmingham Zoo’s 35-year-old African bull elephant, underwent what could be a breakthrough procedure this month to help correct a long-term crack in his tusk.Because of the tusk’s slow growth rate, according to the Zoo, the team will not be able to assess the procedure’s success for several months.
2010-07-06 - Birmingham, United States.
The Birmingham Zoo has broke ground on Trails of Africa, a 14 acre state-of-the-art Elephant complex that, in its maturity, will display a variety of African veldt animals to complement the signature attraction – Bull African Elephants. These magnificent creatures will roam a vast habitat and provide a rich and rewarding experience for our visitors. Trails of Africa will provide an unprecedented view of the animals roaming in an environment that closely matches the wilds of Africa.
2010-01-26 - Birmingham, Alabama, United States. Alec Harvey
Baby Barack, the year-old Asian elephant making his debut in the current tour of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, will not appear during the circus stop in Birmingham this week, a publicist for the show says. After appearing in Orlando and Jacksonville, the first two stops of the new tour, Baby Barack returned with his mother, Bonnie, to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation, a 200-acre facility run in Polk County, Fla. "The Ringling Bros. veterina...
2008-08-03 - Birmingham, United States. Mark Hughes
It's easy to sometimes forget, even if we believe we think green, that we share the planet with those who really live in the green. You can't forget at the Birmingham Zoo. And yes, there will be elephants, a bachelor herd of four to six pachyderms. 'A majority of the spread will be for the elephants,' said Jamie Adcock, the zoo's marketing manager. The zoo's long-lived elephant inhabitants, Susie and Mona, died in recent years. The incoming bull elephants will be a different experience from the ...
2008-07-09 - Birmingham, United States.
The successful candidate should have the skills needed to lead a professional team of keepers through the daily operation, husbandry, and management that oversees a collection consisting of bull African elephants, white and black rhino, hippo, giraffe and a variety of African hoof stock, all managed in multi mixed species exhibits. This individual should have a proven work history with bull elephants and the ability to develop animal programs that will build on the daily operations within this e...
2007-09-21 - Birmingham, United States. Walter Bryant
The Birmingham Zoo unveiled plans for a major new exhibit Thursday night, a $15 million, 14-acre showcase for African beasts and birds that officials hope will transform the 52-year-old zoo as a tourist destination. The Trails of Africa exhibit will also mark the return of elephants to Birmingham, something that has been missing since the zoos beloved Mona died in June. The new exhibit, which will push the zoo into a portion of the wooded property surrounding the current zoo proper, will include...
2007-07-15 - Birmingham, United States. Stan Diel and Walter Bryant
Mona, the elephant beloved by her fans but pitied by animal rights activists before her death last month, will not be the Birmingham Zoo's last elephant. An ambitious zoo expansion plan to be unveiled in the fall will include a "much bigger" elephant exhibit, said Dr. Bill Foster, the zoo's chief executive officer. Foster declined to disclose specifics about the greater plan, but in broad strokes painted a picture of a zoo that puts animals in larger, more realistic habitats and focuses more on ...
2007-06-21 - Birmingham, United States. Walter Bryant
A necropsy was to begin late this afternoon on Mona, the Birmingham Zoo's elderly elephant who was euthanized this morning. The nearly 60-year-old Asian elephant had been under 24-hour watch by her keepers since Monday, when she was unable to get up from lying on her side in her exhibit. A crane was brought in Monday to help her back to her feet, and the elephant seemed to have made a rally and she had been eating well.
2007-06-18 - Birmingham, United States.
Staff and vets used slings this morning to help raise the Birmingham Zoo's remaining elephant to her feet. Mona, a nearly 60-year-old, 8,000-pound elephant, was found off her feet and unable to stand this morning, said Katrina Cade, vice president of marketing. The elephant is now standing, eating and drinking, Cade said.
2007-01-24 - Birmingham, Alabama, United States. Matthew Williams, The Birmingham News
Nikolai Illie, an animal handler, waits with an elephant at the train yard Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007, before the walk through downtown Birmingham, Alabama, to the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center arena. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus will perform its show through Saturday.
2006-11-08 - BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, United States.
An emotional debate is raging over the future of the Birmingham Zoos only remaining elephant. For almost 50 years, Mona the elephant has been the darling of the Birmingham Zoo. At 59, shes the oldest living Asian elephant in North America, and the poster child for a growing national debate over what zoos should do with aging elephants, groups want the Birmingham Zoo to allow Mona to the elephant sanctuary outside Nashville.
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