2020-09-25 - Berlin, Germany. Dan Koehl
The last elephants left East Berlin Tierpark to Leipzig today, leaving the elephant house empty for the first time since 1955. After renovation, which will take two years, only African elephants will be kept in the renovated house in Berlin Tierpark.
2016-01-08 - Berlin, Germany.
Zoo elephants in Berlin have enjoyed a light festive snack: a late delivery of Christmas trees. The New Year feeding of unsold pine trees has become an annual event. Zookeeper Mario Hammerschmidt says the trees are certified as pesticide-free. Hammerschmidt said Thursday that the trees are "a good supplement to the food the elephants get during winter time."
2016-01-04 - Berlin, Germany.
Zoo workers in Berlin admitted on Monday that they had made a mistake about the sex of the newest member of their elephant herd. It´s easier than one might think with elephants, as pachyderms´ male member is discreetly hidden away in a pouch unless they are urinating or otherwise making use of it.
2013-09-18 - Berlin, Germany. Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA).
The aim of this conference is to foster an exchange of ideas between wildlife scientists from different disciplines with an interest in both wild and captive animals, with a focus on mammalian species.
2012-08-30 - Berlin, Germany.
Indian elephant called Pia who was brought over to East Berlin to perform in the GDR State Circus, I knew I´d found that strange kernel of truth from which a story could blossom. Imagining the contrasts was what intrigued me - I could picture this elephant´s journey from the wilds of India to communist Germany, and the disparity she found to encounter the sequined-sparkle and magic of circus life so totally incongruous with the grey bleakness of East Berlin.
2010-10-09 - Berlin, Germany.
Berlin postcard. Baby Indian elephant ("Kalifa") at the Zoologischer Garten (Berlin zoo). According to the card, Kalifa was born on September 20, 1928. Not posted. Corners rather worn, some small marks on the message side, otherwise in fair to good condition.
2010-03-19 - Berlin, Germany.
Baby Asian elephant calf Dimas made his first public appearance today at the Tierpark in Berlin, Germany. The four-day old elephant was born on 15 March to mother elephant, Cynthia. He weights 194 kilograms and stands 94cm tall. Bimas is the 16th elephant to be born at the zoo, Europes largest landscaped zoo, since 1998 as part of its successful Asian elephant breeding and conservation programme.
2009-08-29 - Berlin, Germany.
(Translated by Yahoo! Babel Fish) Three Asian elephants from the Tierpark Berlin Friedrichsfelde began the long journey on Monday into the zoo of Rostow at the Don in Russia. Animal park boss Bernhard Blaszkiewitz communicated that Horas, Cinta and Yoma in their future homeland in a new elephant house are to form their own group. On 7 November Tierpark is to be opened trunk trio born in Rostow the new at home for the 2005 in the citizen of Berlin. The transport of the animals by trucks was taken...
2009-04-26 - Berlin, Germany.
Three elephants that belong to a circus currently camped in a southern suburb of Berlin have been spotted roaming the area regularly, the daily Tagesspiegel reported Sunday. Residents in the district of Marienfelde report that the three African elephants walk the neighbourhood’s streets daily and spend time at a nearby field. There have been no reports of injuries, though passers-by often stop, stare and photograph the massive animals as they calmly make their way through the quiet area....
2009-03-21 - Berlin, Germany. Lindsay Barnett
Ko Raya, a five-day-old female Asian elephant, made her big debut yesterday at the Berlin Zoo. She's the third offspring of her 22-year-old mother, Pang Pha. Her father is 15-year-old Victor. Ko Raya is named for an island in Thailand. She weighed about 370 pounds at birth.
2008-12-14 - Berlin, Germany. Peter Stolk and Rob Belterman, Netherlands
Yesterday Kewa, at Tierpark Berlin, delivered her fourth calf. Father of this 14th elephantcalf at Tierpark Berlin is Ankhor. And .... it's a female calf!
2008-10-18 - Berlin, Germany.
Sara of the Alpha-Omega British School in Spain asks the scientists: Sara: Do elephants have good memories? The answer comes from elephant ecologist Stephen Blake, at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. He works to conserve habitat for elephants in Central Africa. Stephen Blake: Elephants do have fantastic memories. If you imagine an elephant that lives in a tropical rainforest, one of the most complicated systems on Earth, that elephant has to know where fruit trees are, where good forage...
2008-04-26 - Berlin, Germany.
This group show hopes to provide an insight into the landscape and wildlife as well as the culture of individual countries on the African continent. Some of this work is familiar, such as Leni Riefenstahl's excellent work for the beautiful tribe of the Nuba. Nick Brands' portraits of African animals are quite good, notably the Elephant seires
2008-04-16 - Berlin, Germany. Kelli
Because Berlin was split into two different cities for quite a while, it has two of everything, like its two zoos! We've been to the Zoo Berlin (West Berlin) many times, but this past Saturday, April 12, we visited the Tierpark Berlin (East Berlin). It was very different! It is a large zoo (the largest landscape zoo in Europe), so you do a lot of walking. The animals seem to be more plentiful, and the spaces are a lot bigger and more open, so we were able to see them closer. Here are some pics:
2008-04-12 - Berlin, Germany. Andreas Kurth
In February 2007, a circus elephant (Elephas maximus) in northern Germany exhibited disseminated ulcerative lesions of the skin and mucosal membranes caused by CPXV infection; the elephant was euthanized after treatment attempts failed. Electron micrographs of negative-stained biopsy specimens of tongue lesions showed orthopoxvirus particles.
2007-09-01 - Berlin, Germany. Hermes R, Göritz F, Streich W, Hildebrandt T., Leibniz Institute for Zoo Biology and Wildlife Research
Over the last few decades, rhinoceroses and elephants became important icons in the saga of wildlife conservation. Recent surveys estimate the wild Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephant populations to be, at most, 50 250 and 637 600 respectively. For the five rhinoceros species, black (Diceros bicornis), white (Ceratotherium simum), Indian (Rhinoceros unicornis), Javan (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis), the population estimates ...
2007-08-22 - Berlin, Germany.
A female african elephant was born in Berlin wednesday morning, 92 centimeter and 95 kilo heavy. The 22 years old mother Bibi was mother for the second time, the father Tembo has now sired seven babies.
2007-06-20 - Berlin, United States.
Archeologists have found a 35,000-year-old carving of a woolly mammoth in southwestern Germany. It is believed to be the oldest ivory carving every found, the newspaper der Spiegel said Wednesday. An archeology team from the University of Tubingen found the figurine in the Swabian Jura, a 722-foot-long plateau in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Five mammoth-ivory figurines from the Ice Age have been found at Vogelherd Cave in southwestern Germany. The new finds include well-preserved remains of ...
2007-05-23 - Berlin, Germany. Allan Hall
After his mother tried to trample him to death and drown him, an unnamed four-day old baby elephant is now reunited with its mother, Pori. The calf is suckling normally and enjoying all the re-found maternal affection that its three-ton mother Pori, 26, can lavish on him. "Mother and son are getting along magnificently now and the baby is able to stand up fully ," said Claus Pohle, deputy director of the animal park where the calf was born on Sunday.
2006-12-15 - Berlin, Germany. Hildebrandt T, Drews B, Gaeth AP, Goeritz F, Hermes R, Schmitt D, Gray C, Streich WJ, Short RV, Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
Hitherto, it has only been possible to estimate foetal ages from theoretical calculations based on foetal mass. The recent development of sophisticated ultrasound procedures for elephants has now made it possible to monitor the growth and development of foetuses of known gestational age conceived in captivity from natural matings or artificial insemination.
2006-10-26 - Berlin, Germany.
The elephants at the Berlin Zoo celebrated Halloween Tuesday with a special treat: wheelbarrows full of pumpkins. Some of the elephants like to roll the pumpkins before breaking them with their feet, but all of them ate the gourds. The pumpkins are a perfect treat for the animals. They are rich in fiber but have a high sugar content.
2006-10-01 - Berlin, Germany. Ehlers B, Dural G, Marschall M, Schregel V, Goltz M, Hentschke J. . Robert Koch-Institut Berlin
Endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus (elephantid herpesvirus 1; ElHV-1) is apathogenic for African elephants (Loxodonta africana), but causes fatal haemorrhagic disease in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). This is thought to occur through transmission from African elephants in places where both species are housed, such as zoological gardens. The virus has caused considerable losses in North American and European zoological gardens and thus severely impedes breeding of the endangered Asian elep...
2006-06-28 - Berlin, Germany. Reid CE, Hildebrandt TB, Marx N, Hunt M, Thy N, Reynes JM, Schaftenaar W, Fickel J.. Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Since 1995, 4 suspected cases of Endotheliotropic Elephant Herpes Virus (EEHV) infection, i.e. based on clinical presentation, have occurred in Asia without resulting in epidemic outbreaks, which brings many of the traditional theories into question. Herpes is still ramped in captive elephant populations worldwide, devastating particularly the neonatal and weaning-age population.
2003-12-00 - Berlin, Germany. Martin F, Niemitz C., Freie Universität Berlin
In this article, the side preferences of feeding-related trunk movements of free-ranging Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) were investigated for the first time. It is hypothesized that a functional asymmetry of the trunk is necessary to perform skillful feeding movements more efficiently. This might be connected with a corresponding hemispheric specialization. Video recordings of 41 wild elephants provided frequencies and durations of the following trunk-movement categories: object contact, retr...
2000-11-30 - Berlin, Germany.
The success rate of captive elephant breeding programs worldwide is poor. Along with undiagnosed reproductive disorders in females and fatal diseases such as the newly discovered herpesvirus infection, male infertility now is considered a major contributing factor in the failure to maintain self-sustaining captive populations.
1999-06-01 - Berlin, Germany. Burkhardt S, Hentschke J, Weiler H, Ehlers B, Ochs A, Walter J, Wittstatt U, Goltenboth R. Institut fur Lebensmittel, Arzneimittel und Tierseuchen
This is a report on the case of 'KIBA', an eleven year old male elephant at the Zoological Garden Berlin, infected with the endotheliotropic elephants herpesvirus. 'KIBA' was born at the Zoo in Houston, Texas, and raised within his herd. In June 1998 he already serviced three females of his new herd several times. In August 1998 he died after passing a peracute progression of the disease after residenting in Berlin for only 9 months.
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