
Chandaka herd shifts base to Barbara forest

2008-02-16 - Berhmapur, India.

Large tracts of cultivated land in several villages of Ganjam have been destroyed by an elephant herd that strayed into Barbara forest from Chandaka last week. The herd consisted of 11 female elephants, a tusker and four calves. In certain places, the herd has even reportedly attacked villagers creating panic in the region. Beguniapada, Khallikote, Purushottampur and Rambha areas are the worst affected. The herd was last located near Bagdevi mound at Purushottampur-Khallikote border and was chas...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Berhmapur2008-02-16 - Berhmapur, India - Chandaka herd shifts base to Barbara forest

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