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Elephantastic! A Century of Pachydermic Pageantry

2010-12-12 - Baraboo, Wisconsin, United States. Timothy Tegge

Clocking in at just under two full hours, this magnificent collection of all things pachyderm contains 28 different elephant acts (some partial and many complete), in addition to several additional accompanying vignettes filmed on various shows around the world. It can be purchased soon at

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A master horseman uses long reigns to guide a horse through trotting and prancing as the Circus World Museum reopens after nearly a week of being closed due to Baraboo River flooding.

Circus World Museum reopens to applause

2008-06-16 - Baraboo, United States. Brian D. Bridgeford

The audience clapped and cheered Sunday as circus performers swung high above the ring or juggled large barrels with their feet in Circus World Museum's first day open after flooding threatened the museum grounds. With a few exceptions, most of the museum escaped the flooding without being damaged, he said. Museum staff members put up a barrier of sandbags to protect the historic elephant building, and its drains were able to handled any leakage that got in.

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CWM pachyderm passes away

2007-01-19 - Baraboo, United States. Scott De Laruelle

Circus World Museum lost its largest performer Tuesday morning when Moxie, a 25-year-old African elephant, passed away from a mysterious illness that quickly took his life, said trainer Doug Terranova. While Moxie was a performer to many, to Terranova he was an important member of his family. Terranova got him in 1997 and has worked with him every day since.

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Elephant trainer Jenda Smaha passes away while on safari

2006-10-30 - Baraboo, United States. Scott De Laruelle

The man who brought some of the first animals acts to Circus World Museum passed away Friday while on safari in Africa, studying the elephants he loved so much. Jenda Smaha, 74, was brought to Baraboo in 1960 by Chappie Fox and Wilbur Deppe and worked here for several years before embarking on a career that would take him around the world, said his brother Tony Smaha.

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Big rewards from circus museum in Baraboo

2006-10-28 - Baraboo, United States.

Make a donation to the circus museum in Baraboo and you can drive away with a trunk full of elephant manure. Weekday mornings from Monday to Nov. 17 the museum will let anyone who makes a donation haul away the dung, which according to the release is a "bonanza" for home gardeners. The museum will have a skid loader on hand for gardeners who want to take away a truckload.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Baraboo2008-06-16 - Baraboo, United States - Circus World Museum reopens to applause 2007-01-19 - Baraboo, United States - CWM pachyderm passes away 2006-10-30 - Baraboo, United States - Elephant trainer Jenda Smaha passes away while on safari 2006-10-28 - Baraboo, United States - Big rewards from circus museum in Baraboo

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