Camille Clais with the new born elephant baby, 26th of December, 2021. Photo: Pierre-Yves Clais.

Cambodia sensation: As a miracle, 38 year old Ikeo gave birth to a female elephant baby

2021-12-26 - Banlung, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

After being mated with two bulls in 2019, Bak Mai and Bokva, Ikeos breasts became swollen, but an analyze of her prolactin concentrations in November 2020 were low and did not indicate a pregnancy, also unlikely at her age of 38 with a first baby. Therefore it was a miracle, when a female baby was born in the forest at Catien water falls 26th of December. Unfortunately, Ikeo so far rejected her baby, who is named Noel and on 24/7 supervision by Airavata staff.

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Elephant Glossary and Encyclopedia is renovated!

2021-10-18 - Banlung, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

The Elephant Glossary, started back in 1995, has been repaired, recovered and developed, now with almost 200 terms. They can all be viewed by Alphabetical order, or by Category, and the numbers of characters tell you how much is to read from each article. The articles are also interlinked with elephant individual records and locations, and a good start point to search for more info on each Subject.

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The elephant Bak Maï before the death. Airavata Elephant Foundation. Photo: Dan Koehl

Elephant BakMai dies in Ratanakiri sanctuary

2020-05-25 - Banlung, Cambodia.

Bak Maï, a 32-year-old male domesticated elephant in Ratanakiri province, died on Thursday due to severe diarrhoea, said Airavata Elephant Foundation, the guardians of the elephant sanctuary, in a statement on Friday. An autopsy will be conducted by Airavata Elephant Foundation and local authorities to determine the cause of death since it happened very suddenly.

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Named after the white elephant ridden by the God Indra in Hindu mythology, the Airavata Khmer Elephant Foundation offers eco-tourism activities such as carefully supervised elephant rides in the animal’s natural habitat, the forest.

The foundation aiming to preserve the Kingdom’s elephant heritage

2019-05-21 - Banlung, Cambodia. Pann Rethea

Airavata Khmer Elephant Foundation was created four years ago to protect the very last surviving tame domestic elephant population in Ratanakkiri province, as well as the traditions of their mahouts (elephant trainers).

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Airavata Elephant Foundation agreed to buy the elephant, named Bak Mai, for $17,000 early last month from 15 families, he said, though the full amount is yet to be paid.

Killer Elephant Finds Home at Foundation

2016-12-01 - Banlung, Cambodia.

An elephant that killed its owner in September in Mondolkiri province has been sold to a foundation in neighboring Ratanakkiri province, the organization said on Wednesday. “Nobody wanted a killer elephant. They said the killer elephant would kill again,” said Pierre-Yves Clais, the vice president of Airavata Elephant Foundation.

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A mahout pauses for a smoke. Once used for heavy lifting in the jungle, now most elephants haul tourists.

Last of the elephant riders. In Cambodia, amidst exotic wildlife and temple ruins, hill tribes still tame and work with elephants. But for how long?

2011-09-26 - Banlung, Cambodia.

It´s early in the morning and my motorbike guide is driving me two hours northeast from Ban Lung, the capital of Ratanakiri, toward the Vietnamese border. My quest is to find the last of Cambodia´s elephant riders.These indigenous highlanders have captured, tamed and worked with wild elephants for 2,000 years, but their traditional ways and the elephants at the heart of their culture are quickly disappearing. From an estimated wild population of around 500 elephants in this area in ...

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6 Headlines about Elephants from Banlung2021-12-26 - Banlung, Cambodia - Cambodia sensation: As a miracle, 38 year old Ikeo gave birth to a female elephant baby 2021-10-18 - Banlung, Cambodia - Elephant Glossary and Encyclopedia is renovated! 2020-05-25 - Banlung, Cambodia - Elephant BakMai dies in Ratanakiri sanctuary 2019-05-21 - Banlung, Cambodia - The foundation aiming to preserve the Kingdom’s elephant heritage 2016-12-01 - Banlung, Cambodia - Killer Elephant Finds Home at Foundation 2011-09-26 - Banlung, Cambodia - Last of the elephant riders. In Cambodia, amidst exotic wildlife and temple ruins, hill tribes still tame and work with elephants. But for how long?

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