The elephants were from the Sydney Circus

Police report elephants" parade

2008-10-21 - Bangor, Ireland.

A circus has been reported to Northern Ireland's Parades Commission for leading elephants through a street in Bangor, County Down. Alexander Scholl from the Sydney Circus said the elephants were being exercised last week when the police arrived and told him to put them back in a trailer.

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Joddi Baker of Hampden and her cousin Brianna Rines along with her mother Heather Rines both of Newburgh take in the view from atop an elephant before Saturday

Bangor: For kids, it was a weekend of clowning glory at circus

2008-04-28 - Bangor, United States. Anne Ravana

An elephant grazing on hay outside the Bangor Auditorium caused drivers to do a double take as they drove down Buck Street on Friday afternoon. The Anah Temple’s 45th annual Shrine Circus was in town for the weekend and drew thousands of families to its Friday, Saturday and Sunday performances. Ringmaster Charley Van Buskirk, in a red velvet tuxedo with tails, returned to lead his 37th Bangor show, which featured 12 acts and performers from around the world. About 4,000 people attended Saturda...

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Bangor2008-10-21 - Bangor, Ireland - Police report elephants" parade 2008-04-28 - Bangor, United States - Bangor: For kids, it was a weekend of clowning glory at circus

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