
Brownsville zoo sending Ruth the elephant to Milwaukee

2006-12-06 - BROWNSVILLE, United States. Associated Press

The 28-year-old elephant Ruth has been at the Gladys Porter Zoo since 1998. Her departure will mark the end of the zoo's elephant exhibit. Milwaukee County Zoo officials plan to begin displaying Ruth later this month. Zoo officials began discussing what to do with Ruth last year, after the death of her companion Macho. Ruth has been the only elephant on display at the zoo since then.

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Three elephants, two African and an Asian, crossing the border

Running of the Elephants, Republican uses animals, mariachi band to critique border security

2006-10-11 - Brownsville, United States. SARA INÉS CALDERÓN

Reports of an elephant crossing the river or people trying to smuggle an elephant across were rampant Tuesday while an elaborate political stunt was taking shape near the mouth of the Rio Grande. The elephants came from Shrine Circuses, said James Plunkett, who produces the circus. They arrived in Brownsville on Monday and were scheduled to be on their way to Maybank on Tuesday afternoon. The elephants and the crew were at the Rio Grande for less than an hour, Plunkett said.

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Wildlife smuggling a U.S. border problem

2005-09-24 - BROWNSVILLE, United States. Lynn Brezosky

When it comes to smuggling animals across the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Wildlife Inspector Ed Marshall has seen it all. In 2001, an African elephant was smuggled across the Gateway International Bridge on a truck. "They call it the 'Dumbo Case,'" Marshall said, shaking his head. Exotic birds given Valium or tequila so they stay quiet through Customs inspections. Sleeves moving with hidden reptiles. Wildcats stashed in trunks. Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized two white t...

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Zoo workers form bonds with animals

2005-05-15 - Brownsville, United States. KEVIN GARCIA, Brownsville Herald

Having worked with almost every animal at the Gladys Porter Zoo since before it opened in 1971, the 63-year-old general curator Jerry Stones has come to know the zoo’s residents as family. As a result, the March 10 death of 41-year-old African elephant Macho, and subsequent birth of a young male orangutan on April 15, were significant events in his life — something that can be said for anyone who spends enough time with animals.

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41-Year Old Elephant Macho Dies at Gladys Porter Zoo

2005-03-11 - BROWNSVILLE, United States.

A 41-year-old elephant believed to be the oldest of its kind in North America died Thursday.

Macho, a male African elephant, died at the Gladys Porter Zoo where he had lived since the zoo opened in 1971. The cause of death had not been determined, but zoo officials said possibilities include stroke, blood clot, neurological deficit or infectious disease.

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5 Headlines about Elephants from BROWNSVILLE2006-12-06 - BROWNSVILLE, United States - Brownsville zoo sending Ruth the elephant to Milwaukee 2006-10-11 - Brownsville, United States - Running of the Elephants, Republican uses animals, mariachi band to critique border security 2005-09-24 - BROWNSVILLE, United States - Wildlife smuggling a U.S. border problem 2005-05-15 - Brownsville, United States - Zoo workers form bonds with animals 2005-03-11 - BROWNSVILLE, United States - 41-Year Old Elephant Macho Dies at Gladys Porter Zoo

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