
ND puts prehistoric artifacts on display

2008-08-31 - BISMARCK, United States.

Rare prehistoric artifacts are on display in North Dakota's state museum. The "Clovis" artifacts are unfinished tools that are about 13,000 years old. The people who made them hunted woolly mammoth and mastodon. They're the oldest artifacts in the State Historical Society's collection. The artifacts were donated by some western North Dakota residents who unearthed them in Golden Valley County. Some of them are now on exhibit in the Recent Acquisitions case at the North Dakota Heritage Center in ...

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John Hoganson, paleontologist for the North Dakota Geological Survey, takes measurements Wednesday of the skull of the Highgate Mastodon in the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck. Hoganson was checking whether mastodon teeth recently found in Canada

Tooth sleuth says none of the teeth found in Ontario belong to N.D. mastodon

2007-02-02 - BISMARCK, Canada. ELOISE OGDEN

None of three mastodon teeth found in an attic in London, Ontario, belong to the Highgate mastodon which stands in the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck. John Hoganson, paleontologist for the North Dakota Geological Survey in Bismarck, told The Minot Daily News in an interview in November 2006 that he thought it was very likely at least one of the teeth found about a year ago in Ontario belonged to one of the elephant-like animals in the Heritage Center.

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The Highgate mastodon skeleton stands in the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck.

One of three teeth found in an attic in Canada might belong to mastodon in N.D.

2006-11-17 - BISMARCK, United States. ELOISE OGDEN

Paleontologist John Hoganson plans to find out if any of the three mastodon teeth that were found in an attic in London, Ontario, about a year ago belong to the huge Highgate mastodon that stands in the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck. After all, the skeleton came from the nearby area of Highgate, Ontario. But that was 116 years ago in the 1890s.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from BISMARCK2008-08-31 - BISMARCK, United States - ND puts prehistoric artifacts on display 2007-02-02 - BISMARCK, Canada - Tooth sleuth says none of the teeth found in Ontario belong to N.D. mastodon 2006-11-17 - BISMARCK, United States - One of three teeth found in an attic in Canada might belong to mastodon in N.D.

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