The performers of Carson and Barnes Circus delight the crowd.

Circus, circus! Longtime circuit show Carson Barnes arrives Tuesday

2008-03-16 - Athens, United States. Lauren Ricks

To see animals like elephants, llamas, tigers and camels, you only need to travel to the Henderson County Fair Park Complex on March 18. The Carson Barnes Circus will come to Athens that morning and begin setting up. The circus welcomes visitors to come watch the process and see the animals at no charge. It has 25 species of exotic and domestic animals. The elephants are trained to help the crew lift the 40-foot pole in the air for the 300-foot tent. It is the largest in the United States and ha...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Athens2008-03-16 - Athens, United States - Circus, circus! Longtime circuit show Carson Barnes arrives Tuesday

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