
Riddle Preserve Mourns Loss of Solomon

2008-12-09 - Arkansas, United States. Fred Petrucelli

Solomon is dead; long live Solomon. The 24-year-old pachyderm, the star of the Riddle Elephant Preserve near Quitman, passed peacefully and quietly in his sleep. The end for Solomon was difficult for his owner Scott Riddle who considered the huge elephant a member of the family. "Solomon died earlier this year from the affects of an infection and we could not do anything about it," he said. Large four-footed creatures elephants and horses are susceptible to the kind of infection that doomed Solo...

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Arkansas Elephant birth! (former Circus Elephant)

2007-12-16 - Arkansas, United States. Scott Riddle

Here is Amy and Miss Bets. She was born Dec.8 at 5:18am, weighed
263lbs. 35 inches tall, she is very sweet and Amy is doing a great job of
taking care of her. She is a natural Mother which makes life much easier on

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Arkansas2008-12-09 - Arkansas, United States - Riddle Preserve Mourns Loss of Solomon 2007-12-16 - Arkansas, United States - Arkansas Elephant birth! (former Circus Elephant)

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