The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus elephant waits outside the USCA Convocation Center.

Elephant too tall for center

2007-07-20 - Aiken, United States. TONY BAUGHMAN

The biggest star in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is so big, he won't even fit in the new USC Aiken Convocation Center. Circus handlers have discovered that the Gold Unit's 23-year-old Asian elephant is just too tall for the arena's 10-foot-high service entrances. Thus, when the "Greatest Show on Earth" opened Thursday night, the 11-foot-tall pachyderm found himself standing outside.

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This Asian elephant is 23 years old, and will be one of the featured acts during the circus. gibbons

Elephants are key part of upcoming circus

2007-07-17 - Aiken, United States. MEGAN ELLIOTT

A gentle giant will roam through the USC Aiken Convocation Center's main arena with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The elephant is a 23-year-old Asian male. He works closely with his trainer, Patty Zerbini. The elephant is a product of the Ringling Brothers Center for Elephant Conservation, which is located in Polk County, Fla. The center is dedicated to the preservation of the Asian elephant as an endangered species. There are only 35,000 Asian elephants left in the world.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Aiken2007-07-20 - Aiken, United States - Elephant too tall for center 2007-07-17 - Aiken, United States - Elephants are key part of upcoming circus

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