
Elephant tramples teenager to death at zoo in Paraguay

2006-02-01 - ASUNCION, Paraguay.

A 13-year-old boy who entered an elephant's open-air cage to feed it a mango was crushed to death on Tuesday. Guillermo Gonzalez got past a rock wall and two metal fences to reach the 4 1/2 -ton elephant, named Maia, but the animal reacted violently, stomping the teenager to death before a trainer could intervene. "Maia understood that its territory had been invaded by a stranger, which is why the elephant trapped Guillermo with the trunk, taking him by the legs and then crushing him with one of...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from ASUNCION2006-02-01 - ASUNCION, Paraguay - Elephant tramples teenager to death at zoo in Paraguay

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