
Testing satellite collars for elephant orphans

Testing of elephant collars involves moving the collars around and seeing if the information we are sent in GPS signals are accurate.

2017-03-15 - Kafue National Park, Zambia.

To ensure the proper operation of the satellite collars that will be fitted on a couple of the rehabilitated elephants of the GRI-Elephant Orphanage Project (EOP), we have been running trials in advance of a planned collaring later this month. This information can be obtained by satellite collars, which relay GPS signals of movements over time via the internet and can be downloaded into maps

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Zambia elephant population tenth of 1981 numbers: first pan-African census in over 40 years

2015-10-02 - Lusaka, Zambia.

This count will be the first pan-African census in over 40 years. Researchers in 20 countries will use a standardized method of data collection to create an up-to-date picture of the status of African elephants. In 1981, Zambia alone had an estimated 160,000 elephants. Today their number is likely one tenth of that.

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Crocodile bites trunk of thirsty elephant

2013-11-12 - Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

An elephant was bitten by a hungry crocodile as it reached its trunk into a watering hole at the Mfuwe Lodge in the South Luangwa Nation Park in Zambia.

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Suni the baby elephant who was nearly hacked to death by ivory poachers walks again thanks to special boot

Back on her feet: Orphaned elephant calf Suni tests her new leg cast at the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supported Elephant Orphanage Project near Lusaka, Zambia

2013-04-20 - Lusaka, Zambia.

A baby elephant who was almost hacked to death by ivory poachers is walking again thanks to an ingenious new boot and lots of TLC. The 17-month-old calf called Suni was found in Zambia almost a year ago dragging herself along by her front legs, weak and dehydrated, after suffering severe axe wounds.

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Dramatic rescue of mother and baby elephant. Sinking elephants pulled from mud

A mother and baby elephant were found distressed and dehydrated, sinking in deep mud at a safari park in Zambia.

2011-11-11 - Mfuwe, Zambia. Dominique van Heerden

Most conservationists would agree that you should not interfere with mother nature. But there are exceptions to every rule. Staff and tourists at Kapani Safari Lodge in Zambia were caught by surprise when a mother and baby elephant became trapped in mud. Saying they couldn´t just "stand by and watch them slowly die," what ensued was a dramatic rescue.

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Extraordinary moment a wild elephant balances on two legs to reach tasty treat from tree branch

Clever trick: This elephant has learnt how to balance on his hind legs to reach food in manages the Old Mondoro Bush camp in Zambia

2010-09-16 - Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

Teetering on two legs, this elephant showed he aims high when it comes to getting a good meal. The animal wasn´t daunted when faced with pulling some tasty pods from the branches of a particularly tall tree. Instead of simply shaking the tree trunk and catching his meal when it fell, he stretched himself to his full height to elegantly pluck it from the branches. It is thought this elephant, a 40-year-old male, is the only one of his herd who has learnt the extraordinary stunt.

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Environmentalist dismisses elephant population claims

2010-03-24 - Kitwe, Zambia. Kabanda Chulu

INTERNATIONAL Fund for Animal Welfare representative Ezzeldin Downs has said there has been no scientific evidence to back statements from Tanzania and Zambia about an increase in the elephant population. Commenting on the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)s decision to reject Tanzania and Zambia’s plans to sell stockpiled ivory, Downs stated that conservationists had scored a rare victory.

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Two fully grown Elephants electrocuted in Itezhi-tezhi

2009-12-06 - Kafue National Park, Zambia.

Two fully grown African bush Elephants in Itezhi-tezhi District have died after being electrocuted. The incident happened when the two adult male Elephants got in contact with a live 33Kilovolts (KV) ZESCO main power line. The power line which was hanging low following a heavy down pour caused the electrocution of the mammals.The live wire is the main power supply line from Choma power station to Itzhi-tezhi district. Zambia Wild (ZAWA) Public Relations Officer Wilfred Moonga said this in a stat...

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Boy survives elephant attack in Livingstone

2009-11-10 - Livingstone, Zambia. Edwin Mbulo

A 17-year-old boy yesterday miraculously survived an attack by an elephant in Livingstone’s Kasiya area. Narrating the ordeal from his hospital bed at the Livingstone General Hospital, Nixon Lubindo said he was cycling near Suns of Thunder when he came into contact with the animal. “I was cycling near Suns of Thunder orphanage when I saw the elephant and stopped, but the animal charged towards me and I turned around and started to cycle back when I noticed that it had started to chase me,”...

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Elephants on the loose in Zambia. Pachyderms cause havoc with crops and property but people are adapting

With poaching more under control in the Luangwa Valley, elephants are among the animals with rising numbers.

2009-10-15 - Eastern Province, Zambia.

They came while the village slept, destroying the reed fence and trampling the vegetable fields. Tipping over the maize and sorghum granaries (three-metre-high woven reed baskets) they gorged themselves on the meagre crop. Subsistence farmer Andyson Nyendwa remembers leaving his hut and joining his neighbours in lighting fires to scare away the three house-sized beasts.

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Wounded elephant kills man in Livingstone

2009-09-18 - Livingstone, Zambia.

LIVINSGTONE resident of Simonga village was on Wednesday morning trampled to death by a wounded elephant. In an interview, Mosi-O-Tunya National Park area warden Stephen Malungo said the elephant, which had since been gunned down by Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) officials, had seven to eight bullet wounds on its back. I can confirm that a 33-year-old Chrispin Matali, Simonga resident, was yesterday (Wednesday) killed around 07:30 hours by an elephant as he was heading home from his work place...

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Zambia out to get back ivory held in Nairobi

Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) rangers display elephant tusks and rhino horns intercepted at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi in July 2009. The smuggled consignment of ivory weighing 280kg and rhino horns weighing 18kg was on transit from

2009-09-14 - Lusaka, Zambia.

The Zambian government is pressing to get back 6.5 tonnes of ivory from the Nairobi based Lusaka Agreement Task Force after the illegal trophies were confiscated in Singapore over eight years ago. Zambia’s minister of tourism, environment and natural resources Catherine Namugala has written to the Lusaka Agreement Task Force demanding the retrieval of the ivory that is believed to have been extracted from elephants poached in Zambia, taken to Malawi and subsequently transported to Singapore.

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Mugabe gives Zambian chief 7 elephants


2009-09-08 - Livingstone, Zambia.

President Robert Mugabe has given seven elephants to a Zambian traditional chief for tourism purposes. President Mugabe last month promised to give elephants to chief Mukuni of the Toka Leya people of southern Zambia when the 85-year-old Zimbabwean leader visited the chiefdom during a traditional ceremony. Mr Mukuni, whose chiefdom borders Zimbabwe, runs several tourism ventures and tames wild animals in Livingstone – the tourist capital of Zambia – situated about 472km south of Lusaka.

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Zambia: Mfuwe Farmers Earn a Living Out of Chillies

2008-10-01 - Ndola, Zambia. Nebert Mulenga

FROM what started as a mere campaign to scare away elephants from crop fields, chilli growing has now become a viable commercial farming activity for several Mfuwe residents in Eastern Province. Peasant farmer Boniface Mbao, 63, first planted the hot spice crop in 2006. By the end of the last season, he had managed to raise enough to buy iron sheets, household goods, and even built a standard house on his farm. "I have bought a big radio cassette, 10 iron sheets, and even this house I have built...

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Wild elephants stroll through hotel reception.

The elephants walk through Mfuwe Lodge of their own accord as the lodge is on their route to the wild mangoe trees

2008-10-01 - Luangwa, Zambia.

It's not everyday that you see a wild elephant standing next to you at the reception of a hotel. But in the Mfuwe Lodge in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, the sight of one or even ten elephants strolling around the lobby is a regular occurrence. Unwittingly built on the elephant's traditional path in 1998, the Mfuwe Lodge stands directly en-route to this elephant herd's favourite food - wild mangoes. Andy Hogg, 44, Director at the Bushcamp Company that runs the Mfuwe Lodge, has lived ...

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Tusks land man in Jail

2008-06-13 - Chipata, Zambia.

The High court in Chipata, Eastern Province has sentenced a 34 years old Mozambican national to five years imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful possession of prescribed trophy. Amon Mpinga of Marara village in chief Kachembe¢s area in Tete district, was convicted by Judge Eddie Sikazwe after he was found in possession of five elephant tusks which he brought from Malavia district. He wanted to sell the items without certificate of ownership. Facts are that on 28th December 2006, Mpinga was...

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Appeal safeguards orphan elephants

The project will be developed as a facility to release orphans back into the wild

2008-05-20 - Lusaka, Zambia.

AN EMERGENCY appeal launched by a Cranleigh-based wildlife charity has ensured the future of a group of orphaned elephants in Africa. Following the floods that devastated much of Zambia earlier this year and with their home washed away, the elephants – tragic victims of ivory poaching - were facing an uncertain future. But the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) launched an emergency appeal and local supporters responded "magnificently", said a spokesman for the charity, "funding the bui...

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Nine arrested for illegal ivory

2008-03-31 - Lusaka, Zambia.

Zambian authorities have arrested nine Chinese nationals after they were found in illegal possession of products made from ivory, an official said on Monday. Zambia Wildlife Authority (Zawa) said the nine Chinese nationals were arrested on separate days last week after they conducted a search on a Chinese-owned factory in the capital Lusaka. "I wish to warn the public, especially Chinese nationals, that Zambia is not allowed to trade in ivory. Trade is restricted whether for raw or processed ivo...

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Elephant Pepper Web Site

2007-12-16 - Livingstone, Zambia.

After some hiatus in the regular supply of Elephant Pepper products, we are proud to announce the grand re-opening of our revamped website See our new range of grinders and other cool stuff! Importantly the Trust is growing, and we are working with farmers in many countries where elephants raid crops. Thank you for your interest and support. The Elephant Pepper Team

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Bus crew nabbed with Ivory

2007-10-19 - Lusaka, Zambia.

The Zambia Wildlife in Livingstone has detained a CR Carrier Bus and Six Staff together with a Passenger for being in possession of some Ivory Tusks. The tusks are worth more than K120 million. Those arrested include two drivers, two loaders, a conductor and a Bus Washer. The Bus, coming from Sesheke enroute to Lusaka was intercepted by ZAWA Officers at one of its checkpoints in Livingstone. Area Warder, Stephen Malungo said the suspects were arrested, Thursday.

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Elephant goes amok

2007-09-13 - Livingstone, Zambia.

A Lone Elephant has destroyed property worth over $30,000 on an Island on the Zambezi River in the tourist capital Livingstone. The property belongs to Tongabezi Safaris. This is the third time this week that property has been destroyed by the same elephant. The beast is alleged to have strayed from neighbouring Zimbabwe. A check by ZNBC news found the island’s makeshift tents, fridge and stove destroyed. Some Zambia Wildlife Authority game rangers were also on the island to access the damage ...

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Jumbo kills man in Zambia

2007-08-06 - Lusaka, Zambia.

A 40-year-old man in Chiawa area of Zambia's Lusaka Province has been killed by an elephant. The incident happened Saturday morning when the man was in his maize field, reported Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) Sunday. Chieftainess in the area said the matter has been reported to Chirundu Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) to trace the elephant. She appealed to the ZAWA head office to re-enforce wildlife personnel in Chiawa and crop the animals on the loose, said the report.

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Zambia: DEC Nabs Lebanese

2007-07-22 - Ndola, Zambia.

THE Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has arrested a Lebanese for unlawful possession of 55 pieces of elephant tusks and 58 rounds of ammunition. DEC public relations and Press liasion officer, Rosten Chulu said Reda Khalil Fadlallal, 65, of flat L8, Lubambe Centre in Parklands, Kitwe, was arrested after a tip-off from members of the public. The suspect was allegedly caught with 55 pieces of ivory weighing an estimated value of K310 million and 58 rounds of ammunition.

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Lebanese in Zambia seized for unlawful possession of elephant tusks

2007-07-21 - Kitwe, Zambia.

A Lebanese has been arrested in Zambia for unlawful possession of 55 pieces of elephant tusks worth nearly 80,000 U.S. dollars and 58 rounds of ammunition, Times of Zambia reported Saturday. The 65-year-old Lebanese was arrested in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province after a tip-off and then handed over to the Zambia Wildlife Authority for prosecution, Rosten Chulu, public relations and press liaison officer of the Drug Enforcement Commission, was quoted as saying.

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Zambian wins "Nobel green prize"

Hammerskjoeld Simwinga was named after the former UN chief

2007-04-23 - Luangwa, Zambia.

A Zambian man has won a prestigious Goldman Prize for helping to curb widespread elephant poaching by setting up economic projects for villagers. Hammerskjoeld Simwinga wins $125,000 for the award, sometimes called the Nobel prize for the environment.

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Zambia: ZAWA Nabs Six Suspected Poachers

2007-03-15 - Ndola, Zambia.

THE Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has arrested six suspected poachers and confiscated 91 kilogrammes of assorted game meat worth K2.8 million. The suspects are four women and two men. They were arrested in Chiyunyi area in the lower Zambezi in Chongwe district last week on Thursday and are in police custody.

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Zambia urges US to let citizens bring elephant hunting trophies

2007-01-28 - Lusaka, Zambia.

Zambia has urged the US to rescind its decision not to allow their citizens to bring trophies from elephant-hunting safaris. Zambia maintains that the elephant trophy-hunting is key to the conservation of elephants. A Zambian delegation has met the US Fisheries and Wildlife Services authorities to argue that increased quotas for trophy hunting in selected areas with transboundary elephant populations are necessary, reported Zambia Daily Mail Saturday.

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Elephant poaching in Zambia continues unabated as recent DNA research pinpoints the Luangwa Valley as a major source of illegal ivory

2006-11-22 - Luangwa, Zambia. I.P.A. Manning

Elephants continue to be poached for their ivory and meat in Zambia: last week in the West Petauke Game Management Area of the Luangwa Valley, close to my camp on the Luangwa river, a cow herd was all but obliterated by a poaching gang. The meat from these elephant, from hippo and our now decimated herds of buffalo, is carried to the villages of Rufunsa and Lukwipa on the Great East Road, which links Malawi with the capital, Lusaka, and sold openly to motorists; the ivory, we now know, follows t...

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Zambia’s Wildlife Authority police officers implicated in poaching

2006-11-18 - Nyimba, Zambia. I.P.A. Manning

The recent killing of a herd of elephant and general contempt for the law in the Nyimba district of Zambia, suggest the collusion of Government officers in a commercial bushmeat and ivory poaching ring. On Sunday 12 November 06, a matriarchal herd of elephant was attacked in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley by an AK47 wielding poacher, accompanied by seven unarmed meat carriers; an adult female and a juvenile killed - possibly another killed, and one seen crossing the river with blood on its side.

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Record Ivory Cache Traced to Zambia Elephants, DNA Shows

2006-08-18 - Lusaka, Zambia. Susan Brown

A trail of DNA has helped investigators trace the largest shipment of contraband ivory ever seized to African savanna elephants from Zambia (Zambia facts, maps, more). Ample roughage in the elephants' diets helps slough off plenty of cells from the intestines, making DNA easy to extract from dung. The size of the shipment more than 500 whole tusks and thousands of individual pieces means that elephants from a single region have been hit hard.

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African Hot Sauce Brand"s Profits Go to Elephant Conservation

2006-07-27 - Livingstone, Zambia.

In Africa, farmers use the spicy chemical in locally grown chilis to keep elephants away from other crops. And in a unique marketing campaign designed to help farmers and save elephants, a line of Elephant Pepper chili products is now being sold in the United States.

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In Zambia, Roaming Elephants Prove Dangerous

2006-06-08 - Lusaka, Zambia. Angel Tabe

Roaming elephants in Zambia are said to be destroying food crops, property and even human lives. The countrys wildlife authorities say they are working to resolve the problems, but villagers blame the continuing rampage on what they see as the governments reluctance to take action.

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ZAWA kills two elephants in Siavonga, Zambia

2006-05-04 - Siavonga, Zambia.

Zambia Wildlife Authority, ZAWA, has shot dead two Elephants which have been terrorising villagers in the area. The move by ZAWA to kill the jumbos is an effort to control the beasts that have been a menace to the villagers. And Siavonga district commissioner, DC, Emily Striedl has said ZAWA will not manage to effectively control the big population of elephants in the district if adequate transport is not provided to them.

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Killer elephant shot dead in Zambia

2006-03-01 - Livingstone, Zambia.

One of the two elephants that killed three people in southern Zambia has been shot dead by officers of Zambia Wildlife Authority. ZAWA PR officer Maureen Mwape said it is important to kill elephants that kills human beings because they will continue killing people.

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Havoc:Migrating herds of elephants have destroyed property, ruined crops and even killed several people in parts of Zambia where villagers are increasingly angry

2006-02-05 - LUSAKA, Zambia.

Poor villagers and wild elephants are engaged in an increasingly bitter battle for space and food in Zambia, with animal conservation authorities accused of doing little to end the conflict. The elephants have claimed lives and destroyed property and vast fields of maize and cassava in the landlocked country. Terrorized people say Zambia's estimated 25,000 elephants have pushed the hungry and helpless deeper into poverty.

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Elephants Invade Maize Fields in Mpika

2006-01-31 - Lusaka, Zambia. Freddie Phiri

HERDS of elephants have invaded maize and cassava fields in Mukungule chiefdom in Mpika district of Northern Province. One of the affected people, Emelda Mulenga of Kabungo village said herds of elephants had eaten their crops. "Jumbos have left the park and are destroying our crops and plunging us into further poverty" complained Mulenga. Mulenga, who said the most affected village was Kabungo, appealed to government to send game scouts to get rid of the animals before crops are entirely destro...

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NZ man killed by elephant in Africa

2005-09-22 - Livingstone, Zambia.

A Waihi man has been killed by an elephant in Africa. David Beverley Jones, known as Bev, was holidaying in Zambia with his son Colin when he was charged by the stray elephant on Saturday. His son-in-law, Bruce Storrie, says the animal singled out Bev Jones and just went after him. Storrie says Colin Jones did his best to distract the animal. He says Bev Jones, a microbiologist who worked in Africa for 10 years with the United Nations, loved Africa and was no stranger to the environment. Jones' ...

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Elephant kills NZ man in Africa

2005-09-22 - Victoria Falls, Zambia. ESTHER HARWARD

A Waikato microbologist has been killed by an elephant while on holiday in Africa. Bevan Jones, 75, was killed on Saturday by an elephant that strayed from its herd. Mr Jones, who lived in Hamilton for 20 years before retiring to Waihi with his wife Elaine, had been on a camping trip in Zambia with his oldest son Colin. Mr Jones had tried to hide from the elephant, his son-in-law Bruce Storrie said.

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Marauding elephants on rampage in Mphuka’s chiefdom

2005-08-08 - Luangwa, Zambia.

Elephants have continued ravaging people’s winter gardens and granaries in Chief Mphuka’s area in Luangwa District threatening household food security for those depending on winter gardens for survival. Kabowo ward councillor, Foster Tembo revealed this to Luangwa District Commissioner, Kenneth Chipungu during a meeting held at Yapite Resettlement Scheme over the weekend.

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Hunting of Elephants to Benefit Zambians, Says Kalifungwa

2005-06-01 - Lusaka, Zambia. Chansa Kabwela

THE government's introduction of elephant sport hunting is aimed at benefiting Zambians, tourism minister Patrick Kalifungwa has said. And Kalifungwa urged people involved in the movement of forest produce to follow the right procedures as requested by law. Announcing the introduction of elephant sport hunting in Chiawa, Rufunsa and Lupande game management areas yesterday, Kalifungwa said elephants were of very high economic value and should benefit the local community to compensate for the loss...

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Elephants Force Villagers in Zambian Chief Nyalugwe"s Area to Flee

2005-03-20 - Lusaka, Zambia. Brighton Phiri

ELEPHANTS have forced some people out of their villages in chief Nyalugwe's area.

In an interview, chief Nyalugwe of the Nsenga people in Nyimba district confirmed the elephants' invasion, which had left many people without food in his chiefdom. "The majority of our people have lost their food because the elephants have destroyed both the maize fields and storages in the villages," chief Nyalugwe said. He said one of the villagers last week sustained a broken leg as he ran for his...

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Zambia: Turning Poachers Into Cultivators

2004-10-18 - Lusaka, Zambia. UN Integrated Regional Information Networks

A World Conservation Society (WCS) project in eastern Zambia's game-rich Luangwa valley is helping to transform poachers into farmers and entrepreneurs.

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Elephant ride ends in horror

2004-01-04 - Livingstone, Zambia. Gudrun Heckl

A South African couple's elephant-riding adventure turned into a life-threatening drama on the day of their 30th wedding anniversary.

Schoolteacher Sue Pearson is recovering from serious chest injuries in a Johannesburg hospital after a dramatic rescue effort spanning three countries, dogged by power failures at a clinic and an airport.

Pearson and her husband John, a Johannesburg businessman, were swept off a 24-year-old elephant which ran into a tree on the banks ...

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43 Headlines about Elephants from Zambia2017-03-15 - Kafue National Park, Zambia - Testing satellite collars for elephant orphans 2015-10-02 - Lusaka, Zambia - Zambia elephant population tenth of 1981 numbers: first pan-African census in over 40 years 2013-11-12 - Luangwa National Park, Zambia - Crocodile bites trunk of thirsty elephant 2013-04-20 - Lusaka, Zambia - Suni the baby elephant who was nearly hacked to death by ivory poachers walks again thanks to special boot 2011-11-11 - Mfuwe, Zambia - Dramatic rescue of mother and baby elephant. Sinking elephants pulled from mud 2010-09-16 - Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia - Extraordinary moment a wild elephant balances on two legs to reach tasty treat from tree branch 2010-03-24 - Kitwe, Zambia - Environmentalist dismisses elephant population claims 2009-12-06 - Kafue National Park, Zambia - Two fully grown Elephants electrocuted in Itezhi-tezhi 2009-11-10 - Livingstone, Zambia - Boy survives elephant attack in Livingstone 2009-10-15 - Eastern Province, Zambia - Elephants on the loose in Zambia. Pachyderms cause havoc with crops and property but people are adapting 2009-09-18 - Livingstone, Zambia - Wounded elephant kills man in Livingstone 2009-09-14 - Lusaka, Zambia - Zambia out to get back ivory held in Nairobi 2009-09-08 - Livingstone, Zambia - Mugabe gives Zambian chief 7 elephants 2008-10-01 - Ndola, Zambia - Zambia: Mfuwe Farmers Earn a Living Out of Chillies 2008-10-01 - Luangwa, Zambia - Wild elephants stroll through hotel reception. 2008-06-13 - Chipata, Zambia - Tusks land man in Jail 2008-05-20 - Lusaka, Zambia - Appeal safeguards orphan elephants 2008-03-31 - Lusaka, Zambia - Nine arrested for illegal ivory 2007-12-16 - Livingstone, Zambia - Elephant Pepper Web Site 2007-10-19 - Lusaka, Zambia - Bus crew nabbed with Ivory 2007-09-13 - Livingstone, Zambia - Elephant goes amok 2007-08-06 - Lusaka, Zambia - Jumbo kills man in Zambia 2007-07-22 - Ndola, Zambia - Zambia: DEC Nabs Lebanese 2007-07-21 - Kitwe, Zambia - Lebanese in Zambia seized for unlawful possession of elephant tusks 2007-04-23 - Luangwa, Zambia - Zambian wins "Nobel green prize" 2007-03-15 - Ndola, Zambia - Zambia: ZAWA Nabs Six Suspected Poachers 2007-01-28 - Lusaka, Zambia - Zambia urges US to let citizens bring elephant hunting trophies 2006-11-22 - Luangwa, Zambia - Elephant poaching in Zambia continues unabated as recent DNA research pinpoints the Luangwa Valley as a major source of illegal ivory 2006-11-18 - Nyimba, Zambia - Zambia’s Wildlife Authority police officers implicated in poaching 2006-08-18 - Lusaka, Zambia - Record Ivory Cache Traced to Zambia Elephants, DNA Shows 2006-07-27 - Livingstone, Zambia - African Hot Sauce Brand"s Profits Go to Elephant Conservation 2006-06-08 - Lusaka, Zambia - In Zambia, Roaming Elephants Prove Dangerous 2006-05-04 - Siavonga, Zambia - ZAWA kills two elephants in Siavonga, Zambia 2006-03-01 - Livingstone, Zambia - Killer elephant shot dead in Zambia 2006-02-05 - LUSAKA, Zambia - Havoc:Migrating herds of elephants have destroyed property, ruined crops and even killed several people in parts of Zambia where villagers are increasingly angry 2006-01-31 - Lusaka, Zambia - Elephants Invade Maize Fields in Mpika 2005-09-22 - Livingstone, Zambia - NZ man killed by elephant in Africa 2005-09-22 - Victoria Falls, Zambia - Elephant kills NZ man in Africa 2005-08-08 - Luangwa, Zambia - Marauding elephants on rampage in Mphuka’s chiefdom 2005-06-01 - Lusaka, Zambia - Hunting of Elephants to Benefit Zambians, Says Kalifungwa 2005-03-20 - Lusaka, Zambia - Elephants Force Villagers in Zambian Chief Nyalugwe"s Area to Flee 2004-10-18 - Lusaka, Zambia - Zambia: Turning Poachers Into Cultivators 2004-01-04 - Livingstone, Zambia - Elephant ride ends in horror

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Third elephant tests positive for virus at Dublin Zoo

2024-07-10 - Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin Zoo has confirmed that a third elephant has tested positive for a virus which has left two other elephants dead over the last ten days. Eight-year-old Avani and seven-year-old Zinda died from E...

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Houston Zoo Elephant Receives First Ever mRNA EEHV Vaccine

2024-06-18 - Houston, United States. Houston Zoo

Tess, a 40-year-old Asian elephant at Houston Zoo, has been given the first-ever dose of an mRNA vaccine created by virologists at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) to prevent the deadly elephant endot...

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Blackpool Zoo confirms 2 elephants are expecting babies

2024-04-26 - Blackpool, United Kingdom.

The latest round of pregnancy tests at Blackpool Zoo has revealed that two of its elephants are expecting babies. Mother and daughter Noorjahan and Esha are both pregnant and due to give birth in late...

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RIP 2 year old “Chi Pich”

2024-04-02 - Sen Monorom, Cambodia.

There was sad news from Mondulkiri Province, with the death of 2 year old elephant “Chi Pich” being announced. Sources from the Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment Organization (ELIE) said ...

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Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan dies

2024-03-26 - Kochi, India.

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan, 55, 55, died at Mangalamkunnu in Palakkad on Monday. The elephant owned by M A Haridasan had been under treatment for the past few months.

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Pinnawala Orphanage sees birth of 76th calf

2024-03-23 - Kegalle, Sri Lanka.

The 76th elephant calf was born at the Rambukkana Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage on March 20.This baby elephant was born to 32-year-old she-elephant Shanthi and 19-year-old Pandu at the Pinnawala Elepha...

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Extern Link Read about Pinnawala elephant orphanage in the Elephant Database

SANParks partners with neighbouring nations to benefit communities

2024-03-23 - Pretoria, South Africa.

In the ongoing efforts to curb poaching and snaring of animals within the Zimbabwe and Mozambique borders, South African National Parks (SANParks) is working to create more partnerships with neighbour...

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Toledo Zoo Shares the Name of Precious New Baby Elephant

2024-03-15 - , United States.

After weeks of voting and thousands of submissions, the Toledo Zoo has officially chosen the name of their precious baby elephant and we're personally thrilled about the news! Ladies and gentleman, Ki...

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Extern Link Read about Toledo Zoo in the Elephant DatabasePress Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.Press Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.

Reid Park Zoo welcomes new baby elephant

2024-03-09 - Tucson, United States.

A baby elephant was born at Reid Park Zoo. The zoo said Semba, the facility’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a 265-pound calf around 3:31 a.m. Friday, March 8. Reid Park Zoo said the calf...

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Baby elephant in Copenhagen named after Thai river

2024-03-04 - Copenhagen, Denmark.

A female baby elephant in Copenhagen Zoo has been named Chin after the Tha Chin river in central Thailand. The elephant was born last week in the Danish zoo. The zookeepers, who take care of the young...

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Extern Link Read about Copenhagen Zoo in the Elephant Database

This elephant misses his mahout, authorities seek police help

2024-02-29 - Alappuzha, India.

Evoor Kannan, the elephant known for his murderous rage and with a history of killing two mahouts is in a bad mood these days. He had been gentle under the care of his former Mahout Sharath Parippally...

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Extern Link Read about Evoor Major Sri Krishnaswamy Temple in the Elephant Database

Third elephant calf born in Beekse Bergen

2024-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park Beekse Bergen k in four months. Never before have thr...

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Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2

2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The zoo said Tsuni died Thursday after a sudden, brief battle with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). Her EEHV was detected through routine blood testing on Feb. 8, even though she presente...

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The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59

2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea.

The oldest female elephant in South Korea passed away Tuesday at a zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, at the age of 59, zoo officials said Thursday. The female elephant, named Sakura, had suffered fr...

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Extern Link Read about Seoul Grand Park Zoo in the Elephant Database

A star is born: Baby elephant debuts

2024-01-30 - Bangalore, India.

The Bannerghatta Biological Park is brimming with excitement as it welcomes a delightful new addition—a baby boy elephant calf. This adorable arrival brings the elephant count in the Bannerghatta zo...

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Extern Link Read about Bannerghatta Biological Park Zoo in the Elephant Database

Guruvayur Kannan, nine-time winner of elephant race, dies at 62

2024-01-27 - Guruvayur, India.

Elephant Kannan, of the Guruvayur Devaswom Elephant Camp, a nine-time winner of the festival-related elephant race, has passed away. His demise was around 5:30 pm on Saturday. The tusker's age at the ...

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A baby elephant is found dead

2024-01-27 - Koh Nhek, Cambodia.

Villagers found a baby elephant dead in Koh Nhek district, Mondulkiri province in the middle of the forest​ on January 26, 2024, suspected of being shot. Mondulkiri Provincial department of environm...

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Discoveries: The Evolutionary Edge of Elephant Trunks and Ancient Giants

2024-01-13 - Beijing, China.

A recent study published in the journal eLife has uncovered new findings on the development of dextrous trunks by indigenous elephants. According to Dr. Shi-Qi Wang, a senior author of the research, t...

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Alleged poaching kills 46-year-old Sumatran elephant in Riau park

2024-01-13 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

The Tesso Nilo National Park in Pelalawan District, Riau Province, again lost one of its Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) after a poacher allegedly killed it for its tusks. The 46-year...

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Extern Link Read about Tesso Nilo WWF-BKSDA Flying Squad camp in the Elephant Database

Celebration of Elephants: A Must-see New Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History

2024-01-11 - New York, United States.

In a narrow but sprawling curatorial space at the uptown museum, The Secret World of Elephants, now opened, tells the story of elephant species and their relatives through life-size models, videos, gr...

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