
Don’t crush seized ivory – flood the market with it!

2015-04-12 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Sherry UAE

I just got into work and I always have a cup of tea and read the paper. Why destroy the ivory (‘Crushing blow to ivory trade’, 7DAYS, April 9). Why not instead pay someone to make things out of it and then sell it cheap, this way by flooding the market the price will come down then they won’t kill them if it is cheap as chips, as they won’t make money. Flood, flood, flood the market.

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UAE to destroy 10 tonnes of tusks as it takes a tough stance against ivory smuggling

2015-04-09 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Megha Merani

The UAE is to destroy more than 10 tonnes of ivory seized from smugglers as part of efforts to combat the illegal wildlife trade. The Ministry of Environment and Water said the crushing of the ivory is the first of its kind in the Middle East and demonstrates the country’s “zero tolerance” on smuggling.

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World"s only wildlife forensic CSI lab works to stop poachers

Young elephant orphaned by poachers.

2012-11-13 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

This week, customs agents in Dubai seized elephant ivory tusks that were estimated to be worth more than $4 million dollars. According to an AP report, the tusks were hidden in a shipment of green beans, which came from an unnamed country in Africa. Killing elephants for their tusks is not only a brutal and inhumane practice, but it has been illegal since 1989, when a global ban on ivory was put in place. Illegal poaching of animals and animal parts can include elephant tusks, bear gallbladders,...

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Ivory smuggler arrested at airport

2011-09-19 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

An ivory smuggler attempting to pass through Dubai International Airport has been arrested. The passenger faces a fine or imprisonment, officials said on Thursday. Police did not disclose how the smuggler was caught, where the ivory had come from or its intended destination. The smuggler´s identity was not revealed. Police said the polished ivory had originally been taken from the tusks of an African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana). Items seized included bracelets.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from United arab emirates2015-04-12 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Don’t crush seized ivory – flood the market with it! 2015-04-09 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - UAE to destroy 10 tonnes of tusks as it takes a tough stance against ivory smuggling 2012-11-13 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - World"s only wildlife forensic CSI lab works to stop poachers 2011-09-19 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Ivory smuggler arrested at airport

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