
Warsaw zoo will give elephants marijuana to measure stress levels

2020-08-26 - Warsaw, Poland.

The Warsaw zoo said Wednesday it will start giving its elephants medical marijuana as part of a ground-breaking pilot project to test how it reduces their stress levels. Medical cannabis has been used worldwide to treat dogs and horses but "this is probably the first initiative of its kind for elephants," Agnieszka Czujkowska, the veterinarian in charge of the project, told AFP.

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Conservationist Lek Saengduen Chailert wins Polish award for work with elephants

Born in 1962 in Chiang Mai, Saengduen graduated from the Liberal Arts Faculty at Chiang Mai University before beginning a career in tourism.

2012-01-10 - Warsaw, Poland.

A Poland-based foundation has given an award to a Thai activist who founded a nursery for disabled or injured elephants in Chiang Mai, the Thai embassy in Warsaw said yesterday. In its citation for granting the Good Deed Award to Saengduen Chailert, Fundacji Zacny Uczynek said the Elephant Nature Park in Mae Taeng district had nurtured sick and wounded elephants while relying on those in good health to serve local tourism in an ecological and conservationist manner.

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Plock Zoo in Poland gets elephants again

2010-09-06 - Plock, Poland. Peter Stolk, Netherlands

In Plock Zoo in Poland, arrived the two young bulls Letsongmon and Myo Set Kaung from Emmen Zoo in Netherlands. Both bulls are captive born in Emmen.

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The Only Gay in the Zoo: Meet Ninio

2009-04-11 - Poznan, Poland. Mail Foreign Service

A Polish zoo is under fire - for having a 'gay' elephant. Officials at the zoo in Poznan, western Poland, claims to have built the largest elephant house in Europe at a cost of 37million zlotys (£8million). However, their attempts to increase the size of zoo's elephant herd have run into difficulties after the revelation that ten-year-old African Bush elephant, Ninio, is homosexual. The bull has had to change zoos three times in the past five years because of his aggressive behaviour toward fem...

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Elephants roam Lodz, Poland

2008-04-19 - Lodz, Poland.

Officers from the Municipal Police encountered a herd of elephants walking around the premises of the Registrar's Office in Lodz, central Poland, this morning. It turned out that the animals belonged to a circus whose members were at the time putting up a tent for their shows. The owner claimed that the elephants were docile and that they did not pose any threat to the people around them. However, the municipal police still sealed off the premises to prevent the elephants from walking into the s...

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Code name: Fox

2008-02-21 - Warsaw, Poland. Aviva Lori

Antonia Zabinska saw it all on September 15, 1939, two weeks after Nazi Germany invaded Poland: Kasia the elephant was killed by a shell. Her daughter, Tuzinka, was orphaned, but remained alive and well. Some of the monkeys and antelopes were killed by rifle fire; the others scattered across the city. The chimpanzee and the exotic birds disappeared. One giraffe was shot to death. The seals escaped, though it is not clear to where. Camels, llamas and deer wandered along the banks of the Vistula R...

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Stereotypic behavior of a female Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) in a zoo.

2006-09-01 - Wroclaw, Poland. Elzanowski A, Sergiel A. Department of Zoology, University of Wroclaw

This study recorded daytime behavior of a female Asiatic elephant at the Municipal Zoo, Wroclaw, Poland, in both an indoor pen and an outdoor paddock as continuous scan sampling for 140 hr, over 35 days in 1 year. Stereotypic sequences involved bouts of highly repetitive stereotypic movements and much more variable interbout behavior.

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Krakow Zoo asks Indian steel firm for new elephant

2006-08-04 - WARSAW, Poland.

A Polish city has appealed to Indian industrial giant Mittal Steel to find a new elephant for its zoo after its previous Indian elephant died. Though Burma, a 40-year-old crowd-puller, died in July, trade restrictions on zoo elephants and long waiting lists mean it can take years for zoos to find replacements. "Everyone in the city is waiting for a new elephant, especially the children," said Krystina Paluchowska, a spokesperson at Krakow city hall.
"It could take a long ti...

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8 Headlines about Elephants from Poland2020-08-26 - Warsaw, Poland - Warsaw zoo will give elephants marijuana to measure stress levels 2012-01-10 - Warsaw, Poland - Conservationist Lek Saengduen Chailert wins Polish award for work with elephants 2010-09-06 - Plock, Poland - Plock Zoo in Poland gets elephants again 2009-04-11 - Poznan, Poland - The Only Gay in the Zoo: Meet Ninio 2008-04-19 - Lodz, Poland - Elephants roam Lodz, Poland 2008-02-21 - Warsaw, Poland - Code name: Fox 2006-09-01 - Wroclaw, Poland - Stereotypic behavior of a female Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) in a zoo. 2006-08-04 - WARSAW, Poland - Krakow Zoo asks Indian steel firm for new elephant

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