
Two police officers, businessman jailed for wildlife crime, Malawi sets history

Some of the ivory

2016-11-24 - , Malawi.

Wildlife crime history was set in Malawi today with not one but two unprecedented court rulings – the first ever conviction of an individual dealing in rhino horn and, in a separate case, the first ever policemen to be convicted for wildlife trafficking.

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2 Chinese held in Malawi for forex, ivory smuggling | Malawi news, Malawi - NyasaTimes breaking online news source from Malawi

2013-01-13 - Lilongwe, Malawi.

Two Chinese national haves been arrested at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe for attempting to smuggle foreign currency and ivory, Malawi Police said on Wednesday. Police Spokesperson Rhoda Manjolo identified the two Chinese nationals as Bing Tang and MShinxin Wang. The two, who were working as engineers on the recently inaugurated Karonga/Chitipa road, had close to US$100,000 and MK130, 00, according to police.

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Elephant calf raised by woman in Malawi dies

2012-11-13 - LILONGWE, Malawi.

An elephant calf that was separated from his herd and raised by a human "mother" for months in Malawi has died. Jenny Webb, who raised the calf, said it died Monday night "in her arms." She said the elephant had been sick with colic and diarrhea. In February, Webb adopted the elephant, which had been named Moses after being found in the grasses of a riverbed by game rangers at Vwazi Wildlife Reserve in northern Malawi.

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Mangochi elephants kill 70-year-old man

2008-08-13 - Mangochi, Malawi. Emelyn Nyoni

A 70-year-old Mangochi man died on the spot after five marauding elephants trampled upon him last week. Officer-in-Charge of Lake Malawi National Park Samuel Nyanyale confirmed the development saying the old man met his fate as he fetched firewood along the Phirilongwe Forest Reserve in the district. The deceased, Lester Kamacho from Thera Village, Traditional Authority Mponda in the district, was all by himself in the forest when he encountered the elephants around 5.00pm on Friday.

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Jumbo job for eco-tourists on £4,500 holiday ... catching and moving elephants hundreds of miles to African sanctuary

2008-05-30 - Majete Wildlife Reserve , Malawi.

Are you the kind of tourist whose choice of holiday destination is affected by the size of your carbon footprint? If so then step into the largest footprints you'll find on earth and help the elephant translocation project in Malawi this June. In a new twist on eco-tourism, visitors are being offered the chance to help capture and move 70 elephants from Malawi's Liwonde National Park and Mangochi district and help re-stock the Majete Wildlife Reserve in southern Malawi.

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Elephants kill 2 in Dowa

2008-04-29 - Dowa, Malawi. DICKSON KASHOTI

Elephants have killed two people in Dowa leaving another person critically injured and battling with life at Dowa District Hospital. The development has forced the Department of National Parks and Wildlife officials to reinforce its manpower in the affected areas. Dowa Police publicist Kondwani Kandiado confirmed the death of 16-year-old Benjamin Chimphale from Kaphadzira Village and Nachisale Nkhondokunjira from Kasungudzula Village, both from Chief Chiwele’s area where the elephants run riot...

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Poachers jailed three years each

2008-03-10 - Kasungu, Malawi. WANANGWA TEMBO

KASUNGU Magistrate Court last week ordered two men to pay a fine of K60,000 each or in default serve three years imprisonment for poaching in Kasungu National Park. Fole Nkhoma, 27, and Vuntani Zintambira, 24, both from T/A Chulu in Kasungu were arrested late last month together with 16 other people for killing a lone antelope whose value was put at K60,000. Kasungu Police spokesman Andrew Gada said they arrested the 18 people in a joint operation with Wild Life officials late last month.

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Rampaging elephants kill one in Mangochi

2008-03-06 - Mangochi, Malawi.

Communities along the lakeshore district of Mangochi, particularly in the areas of Chiefs Mpondasi and Nankumba, are living in great fear following the elephants that have gone on rampage there. However, authorities have said there is nothing they can do at the moment until June when the animals would be moved to Majete Wildlife Reserve in Chikwawa district. The animals are from Phirilongwe Forest Reserve. On Tuesday, an elephant killed 26-year-old man, Fanuel Monja, from Chigundo Village in Chi...

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Elephant kills "brave" Malawi woman

2007-12-27 - Mangochi, Malawi.

A woman, who thought could save her maize and other farm produce by confronting and scaring away the marauding elephants, only ended up cutting short her own life. 35-year-old Alausi Missi, from the lakeshore district of Mangochi, has died after a looting elephant trampled one her last week, police and close sources have confirmed the incident. The woman heard an elephant was in her maize garden early in the morning so she set off to the field, which was about a kilometer away from her home, Ric...

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Game scouts drive elephants back

2007-06-04 - Kasungu, Malawi.

Twenty-one armed game scouts have finally driven over 40 herds of elephants back into Kasungu National Park, about a month after Kasungu District Assembly put the district on high alert. The situation was now back to normal and people should now be able to do their daily business without any fear.

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Majete wildlife reserve in Malawi to receive 70 African elephants

2006-07-01 - Lilongwe, Malawi. Charles Mkoka

Patricio Ndadzela, coordinator for African Parks Foundation (APF), confirmed last week that the elephant translocation from the Liwonde National Park to the Majete wildlife reserve will take place. Majete used to have a population of over 300 elephants in the 1980s but they were all wiped out following the influx of firearms and AK 47s in particular from across the border in neighboring Mozambique during the 16 year civil war in the that country.

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British Army Imparts Anti-Poaching Skills to KU Game Rangers

2005-08-01 - Lilongwe, Malawi. Chikondi Chiyembekeza

The British Army is helping in giving anti-poaching skills to Game Rangers at the Kasungu National Park. Secretary for Defence, James Kalilangwe said the exercise would go a long way in saving the number of game in the park, numbers of which have been declining over the past years. Of all the game, elephants have suffered the most due to poachers who regularly invade the park.

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12 Headlines about Elephants from Malawi2016-11-24 - , Malawi - Two police officers, businessman jailed for wildlife crime, Malawi sets history 2013-01-13 - Lilongwe, Malawi - 2 Chinese held in Malawi for forex, ivory smuggling | Malawi news, Malawi - NyasaTimes breaking online news source from Malawi 2012-11-13 - LILONGWE, Malawi - Elephant calf raised by woman in Malawi dies 2008-08-13 - Mangochi, Malawi - Mangochi elephants kill 70-year-old man 2008-05-30 - Majete Wildlife Reserve , Malawi - Jumbo job for eco-tourists on £4,500 holiday ... catching and moving elephants hundreds of miles to African sanctuary 2008-04-29 - Dowa, Malawi - Elephants kill 2 in Dowa 2008-03-10 - Kasungu, Malawi - Poachers jailed three years each 2008-03-06 - Mangochi, Malawi - Rampaging elephants kill one in Mangochi 2007-12-27 - Mangochi, Malawi - Elephant kills "brave" Malawi woman 2007-06-04 - Kasungu, Malawi - Game scouts drive elephants back 2006-07-01 - Lilongwe, Malawi - Majete wildlife reserve in Malawi to receive 70 African elephants 2005-08-01 - Lilongwe, Malawi - British Army Imparts Anti-Poaching Skills to KU Game Rangers

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Third elephant tests positive for virus at Dublin Zoo

2024-07-10 - Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin Zoo has confirmed that a third elephant has tested positive for a virus which has left two other elephants dead over the last ten days. Eight-year-old Avani and seven-year-old Zinda died from E...

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Houston Zoo Elephant Receives First Ever mRNA EEHV Vaccine

2024-06-18 - Houston, United States. Houston Zoo

Tess, a 40-year-old Asian elephant at Houston Zoo, has been given the first-ever dose of an mRNA vaccine created by virologists at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) to prevent the deadly elephant endot...

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Blackpool Zoo confirms 2 elephants are expecting babies

2024-04-26 - Blackpool, United Kingdom.

The latest round of pregnancy tests at Blackpool Zoo has revealed that two of its elephants are expecting babies. Mother and daughter Noorjahan and Esha are both pregnant and due to give birth in late...

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RIP 2 year old “Chi Pich”

2024-04-02 - Sen Monorom, Cambodia.

There was sad news from Mondulkiri Province, with the death of 2 year old elephant “Chi Pich” being announced. Sources from the Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment Organization (ELIE) said ...

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

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EEHV (Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus)

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan dies

2024-03-26 - Kochi, India.

Popular tusker Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan, 55, 55, died at Mangalamkunnu in Palakkad on Monday. The elephant owned by M A Haridasan had been under treatment for the past few months.

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Pinnawala Orphanage sees birth of 76th calf

2024-03-23 - Kegalle, Sri Lanka.

The 76th elephant calf was born at the Rambukkana Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage on March 20.This baby elephant was born to 32-year-old she-elephant Shanthi and 19-year-old Pandu at the Pinnawala Elepha...

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SANParks partners with neighbouring nations to benefit communities

2024-03-23 - Pretoria, South Africa.

In the ongoing efforts to curb poaching and snaring of animals within the Zimbabwe and Mozambique borders, South African National Parks (SANParks) is working to create more partnerships with neighbour...

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Toledo Zoo Shares the Name of Precious New Baby Elephant

2024-03-15 - , United States.

After weeks of voting and thousands of submissions, the Toledo Zoo has officially chosen the name of their precious baby elephant and we're personally thrilled about the news! Ladies and gentleman, Ki...

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Extern Link Read about Toledo Zoo in the Elephant DatabasePress Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.Press Release: The Toledo Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby elephant, born to African elephant, Renee.

Reid Park Zoo welcomes new baby elephant

2024-03-09 - Tucson, United States.

A baby elephant was born at Reid Park Zoo. The zoo said Semba, the facility’s African elephant matriarch, gave birth to a 265-pound calf around 3:31 a.m. Friday, March 8. Reid Park Zoo said the calf...

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Baby elephant in Copenhagen named after Thai river

2024-03-04 - Copenhagen, Denmark.

A female baby elephant in Copenhagen Zoo has been named Chin after the Tha Chin river in central Thailand. The elephant was born last week in the Danish zoo. The zookeepers, who take care of the young...

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This elephant misses his mahout, authorities seek police help

2024-02-29 - Alappuzha, India.

Evoor Kannan, the elephant known for his murderous rage and with a history of killing two mahouts is in a bad mood these days. He had been gentle under the care of his former Mahout Sharath Parippally...

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Third elephant calf born in Beekse Bergen

2024-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park Beekse Bergen k in four months. Never before have thr...

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Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2

2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The zoo said Tsuni died Thursday after a sudden, brief battle with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). Her EEHV was detected through routine blood testing on Feb. 8, even though she presente...

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The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Extern relevant Links (external link which opens in new window):
The Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

Farewell to Seoul"s oldest elephant passing at age of 59

2024-02-15 - Seoul, South Korea.

The oldest female elephant in South Korea passed away Tuesday at a zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, at the age of 59, zoo officials said Thursday. The female elephant, named Sakura, had suffered fr...

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A star is born: Baby elephant debuts

2024-01-30 - Bangalore, India.

The Bannerghatta Biological Park is brimming with excitement as it welcomes a delightful new addition—a baby boy elephant calf. This adorable arrival brings the elephant count in the Bannerghatta zo...

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Guruvayur Kannan, nine-time winner of elephant race, dies at 62

2024-01-27 - Guruvayur, India.

Elephant Kannan, of the Guruvayur Devaswom Elephant Camp, a nine-time winner of the festival-related elephant race, has passed away. His demise was around 5:30 pm on Saturday. The tusker's age at the ...

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A baby elephant is found dead

2024-01-27 - Koh Nhek, Cambodia.

Villagers found a baby elephant dead in Koh Nhek district, Mondulkiri province in the middle of the forest​ on January 26, 2024, suspected of being shot. Mondulkiri Provincial department of environm...

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Discoveries: The Evolutionary Edge of Elephant Trunks and Ancient Giants

2024-01-13 - Beijing, China.

A recent study published in the journal eLife has uncovered new findings on the development of dextrous trunks by indigenous elephants. According to Dr. Shi-Qi Wang, a senior author of the research, t...

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Alleged poaching kills 46-year-old Sumatran elephant in Riau park

2024-01-13 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

The Tesso Nilo National Park in Pelalawan District, Riau Province, again lost one of its Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) after a poacher allegedly killed it for its tusks. The 46-year...

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Celebration of Elephants: A Must-see New Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History

2024-01-11 - New York, United States.

In a narrow but sprawling curatorial space at the uptown museum, The Secret World of Elephants, now opened, tells the story of elephant species and their relatives through life-size models, videos, gr...

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