
Egypt Called Major Hub of Illegal Ivory Trade

A carver displays an ivory walking stick, an item popular with Egyptian and Gulf Arab buyers

2012-01-31 - Cairo, Egypt.

A new report names Egypt as the center of illegal ivory trade and smuggling in Africa. With the political unrest of the Arab Spring, illegal ivory outlets and workshops have done a booming business. The report, which appears in TRAFFIC Bulletin, said illegal ivory products are readily available in Cairo and Luxor.

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Doubts over Cairo"s historic zoo

The zoo offers close-up entertainment, but hundreds of animals have disappeared

2009-09-09 - Cairo, Egypt.

Visitors are allowed to feed the animals, including the hippopotamus who gobbles down handfuls of clover. Children can have their photographs taken with a lion cub or baby chimpanzee - or even with their heads inside the mouth of an elephant kept on a short chain.

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Butchered Camels Spark National Outcry to Fix Egypt"s Giza Zoo

2008-05-29 - Cairo, Egypt. Abeer Allam

In most world zoos, employees feed and care for the animals. At Egypt's Giza Zoo, workers turn them into dinner or sell them as pets. The zoo is a living example of the mess our country has become, said Ahmed El-Sherbiny, chairman of the Egyptian Society of Animal Friends. It is a combination of corruption, the death of work ethic, mismanagement and apathy. The sole elephant is leashed to a 50-centimeter (20-inch) chain, treatment that left a previous pachyderm disabled for lack of exercise, he ...

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Egypt seizes 78 pieces record ivory haul:value of over $200,000

2000-03-29 - Cairo, Egypt. Frank Gardner

Egyptian police have seized a record haul of ivory with a street value of over $200,000.

On Wednesday, Egypt's environment ministry announced that 78 pieces of elephant tusks has been seized from a warehouse in the town of Aswan.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Egypt2012-01-31 - Cairo, Egypt - Egypt Called Major Hub of Illegal Ivory Trade 2009-09-09 - Cairo, Egypt - Doubts over Cairo"s historic zoo 2008-05-29 - Cairo, Egypt - Butchered Camels Spark National Outcry to Fix Egypt"s Giza Zoo 2000-03-29 - Cairo, Egypt - Egypt seizes 78 pieces record ivory haul:value of over $200,000

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