
Bulgaria: Fossil of elephant ancestor on display

2008-12-05 - Sofia, Bulgaria.

The fossilized jawbone of an 18-million-year-old ancestor of the elephant has gone on display in a Bulgarian museum. The rare fossil at the Black Sea city of Varna's Natural Science Museum belongs to what experts call the 8.2-foot-tall (2.5-meter-tall) prodeinotherium bavaricum. Museum curator Stoyan Vergiev says the jawbone was found in 2005 at a construction site in northeastern Bulgaria, but never shown to the public until now.

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Fibroleiomyoma in elephant uterus

2007-11-01 - Sofia, Bulgaria. Sapundzhiev E, Pupaki D, Zahariev P, Georgiev G, Ivanov I., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry

The result of the histological diagnosis from postmortal investigation of the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) uterus structure is presented in the current study. The rare anatomical finding showed altered nodular part from the uterus wall. Through conventional and histochemical staining neoplasmatic formations were determined and diagnosis Fibroleiomyoma was established, which should not be accepted as the prime cause for the animal's death.

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Sofia Zoos only elephant Artaida to be provided with a bed by months end

2007-03-04 - Sofia, Bulgaria.

The cow elephant of the Sofia Zoo will have a bed by the months end, Dr. Ivan Ivanov, director of the zoo, told FOCUS News Agency. “The bed is in fact a wall, alongside which sand will be piled at a 45 degree angle and 65 degrees at some places. The elephant will lean upon the sand to rest”, Ivanov explained. At present the elephant doesn’t have a bed.

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Sofia Zoo Eldest Elephant Dies Aged 58

2006-01-30 - Sofia, Bulgaria.

One of the symbols of Sofia's Zoo the elephant Sivitri passed away Monday morning aged 58, which is equal to 100 human years. The elephant named after an Indian goddess was first transported to Sofia from India at the age of 7. Sivitri was first transported to Sofia back in 1955. In India she "worked" at a school for lumbermen. Sivitri was the eldest animal at Sofia Zoo.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Bulgaria2008-12-05 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Bulgaria: Fossil of elephant ancestor on display 2007-11-01 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Fibroleiomyoma in elephant uterus 2007-03-04 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Sofia Zoos only elephant Artaida to be provided with a bed by months end 2006-01-30 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Sofia Zoo Eldest Elephant Dies Aged 58

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