
Critically endangered Sumatran elephant born in Indonesia

2023-11-13 - Way Kambas, Indonesia.

A critically endangered Sumatran elephant was born in western Indonesia over the weekend, according to officials, weighing about 108 kilograms (238 pounds), the yet-to-be-named male calf was born at the Way Kambas National Park in Lampung province in southern Sumatra, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry said Sunday. The calf was in good health and his mother Riska was being monitored after giving birth on Saturday, the ministry said. Riska had a female calf in 2017.

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Sumatran elephants at Way Kambas national park

2011-09-21 - Way Kambas, Indonesia.

A picture made available on 21 September shows Indonesian mahouts take care their Sumatran elephants at the elephant conservation center in Way Kambas national park, Lampung province, Indonesia, 18 September 2011. At least 65 elephants are kept at Way Kambas elephant conservation center. The Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis) is the smallest of the Asian elephants and suffers from from illegal logging and associated habitat loss and fragmentation in Indonesia.

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A handler riding an elephant at Way Kambas.

Ecotourism in Indonesia: Finding the Balance

2009-09-27 - Way Kambas, Indonesia. Zack Petersen

Indonesia walks a fine line when it comes to conservation and ecotourism. Dexter is four months old and weighs nearly 130 kilograms, he’s got eyelashes as thick as paint brushes and if you feed him sugar cane by hand he’ll be your best friend. Tika, who handles both Dexter and his mother, waves you closer to the four-meter-tall matron and her playful calf. Dexter swings his trunk and paws the ground like a bull. But he’s shy, he hides behind those lashes and the hanging belly of his mother...

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We wandered off through the park to an area a few k’s away and found this male elephant munching away all on his own.

One Big Rubbish Bin

2008-08-18 - Way Kambas, Indonesia.

Today we visited a National Park here in Southern Sumatra. ‘Way Kambas’ hosts five endangered mammals - elephants, Sumatran Tigers, Sun Bears, tapirs and the Sumatran rhino. The facilities for the elephants are not so flash. The idea behind the creation of the Elephant Training Centre was to remove wild elephants that were threatening local villages and to train them to work in logging and tourism. Kids go for rides on a few of these beautful creatures, while those not working graze nearby.

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Tour Garden Bumi Kedaton - Batu Putuk

2008-04-04 - Way Kambas , Indonesia.

Lampung has long been as the Land of Elephants and Way Kambas as the best known as elephant training center. But don't imagine that getting there is easy these days. Getting to the National Park takes at least two hours from the center of town, on a road in terrible condition. This trip is only for the truly adventurous, or tourists with a lot of time on theirs hands. But don't worry - now there's Taman Wisata Bumi Kedaton (Bumi Kedaton Tourism Park), located in Batu Putuk area, only 20 minutes ...

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Underpaid trainers stay dedicated to elephant care

2007-07-10 - Way Kambas, Indonesia. Oyos Saroso

Suffering is shared by both the dozens of wild novices in the Elephant Training Center (PLG) of Way Kambas in East Lampung regency as well as their tamers. The difference is that while most of the elephants are emaciated and sickly, the trainers are well excepting their meager pay. The elephant trainers have had to make do with a monthly salary of only Rp 550,000 in the last two years. Before that, they received just Rp 350,000 a month, which frequently came in very late.

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6 Headlines about Elephants from Way Kambas2023-11-13 - Way Kambas, Indonesia - Critically endangered Sumatran elephant born in Indonesia 2011-09-21 - Way Kambas, Indonesia - Sumatran elephants at Way Kambas national park 2009-09-27 - Way Kambas, Indonesia - Ecotourism in Indonesia: Finding the Balance 2008-08-18 - Way Kambas, Indonesia - One Big Rubbish Bin 2008-04-04 - Way Kambas , Indonesia - Tour Garden Bumi Kedaton - Batu Putuk 2007-07-10 - Way Kambas, Indonesia - Underpaid trainers stay dedicated to elephant care

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