2021-02-17 - Stockholm, Sweden.
For the first time, preserved DNA has been recovered from animal remains over a million years old. The DNA belonged to two mammoths that lived around 1.2 million years ago. “Instead of there being one species [or lineage] of mammoth up in Siberia around 1-2 million years ago, it now looks like there are two,” says Love Dalén at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm, Sweden. The genetic sequences change our understanding of mammoth evolution. They reveal that, at that time, Siberia was ...
2015-04-23 - Stockholm, Sweden. Pallab Ghosh
A US team is already attempting to study the animals´ characteristics by inserting mammoth genes into elephant stem cells. The new genome study has been published in the Journal Current Biology, Dr Love Dalén at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm told BBC
2013-11-04 - Stockholm, Sweden. Ewen Callaway
Linnaeus dubbed the species Elephas maximus, which is now commonly known as the Asian elephant. He recognized just one species of elephant in the world, and this would be its archetype. In some ways, the specimen looked more like an African elephant, two curators later suggested in unpublished notes and at academic meetings.
2013-09-11 - Stockholm, Sweden. Laura Poppick
A previously unknown European lineage of woolly mammoths once plodded Earth, suggest new DNA analyses, which also provide new evidence for the role of climate change in the animal´s ultimate extinction. a team of researchers based at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm has analyzed a suite of 88 new DNA samples from woolly mammoth museum specimens ranging from Europe to North America.
2013-06-02 - Stockholm, Sweden.
Despite the recent discovery of a stunningly preserved mammoth, the odds of scientists using it to clone a real-life mammoth anytime soon are still low, experts say. "To clone a mammoth by finding intact cells — and, more importantly, an intact genome — is going to be exceptionally difficult, likely impossible," said Love Dalén, a paleogeneticist at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. "Finding this mammoth makes it slightly less impossible."
2012-11-26 - Stockholm, Sweden.
137, 278 people visited the Elephant www.elephant-news.com during 25 nov 2011-25 nov 2012, according to Cluster map, which is about 376 visitors per day.
438, 244 people visited the elephant database at elephant.se during 25 nov 2011-25 nov 2012, according to Cluster map, which is about 1200 visitors per day. Apr 500 from USA, 180 from UK, 95 from Canada, followed by India, Australia, Germany, Sri Lanka and Netherlands. Other countries represented less than 25 visitors/day.
2007-07-24 - Stockholm, Sweden. Dan Koehl
The Elephant News archive has now over 2 500 articles in the database (Some of the original articles already deleted at the origial website) which you can search through from the searchfield in the upper left corner. You can even search the database from YOUR website, placing a searchbox there. Make use of the resource!
2007-07-17 - Stockholm, Sweden. Dan Koehl
Started in 1995, the elephant database had a slow start, but after intensive work this spring and summer it now contains over 3000 elephants from more than 800 location facilities from over 75 countries all over the world, ranging from Charlemagnes elephant Abul-Abbas in 802, to the latest births and deaths. Theres also graphical statistics and generation pedigree-tables.
2006-05-10 - Stockholm, Sweden.
Motorists approaching the Swedish capital on Tuesday were met with the unlikely sight of three elephants grazing by the freeway. Swedish radio reported on Wednesday that the elephants had escaped from a circus van, towed by a lorry which had overturned on a sharp bend just north of the capital. The animals had dispersed across the field, reported the radio.
2004-10-14 - Stockholm, Sweden. Mattias Karen, Associated Press
A homeowner in southern Sweden filed a police complaint after four circus elephants broke loose from their trainers and ran into his back yard, trampling the hedge and the lawn, a police spokesman said Thursday.
1991-11-15 - Stockholm, Sweden.
A fired zoo attendant has refused to leave the elephant quarters and started a hunger strike to protest the animals´ living conditions, news reports said. ´´I will not leave (the elephants) Nike and Shiva voluntarily. The police will have to carry me away,´´ Dan Kohl told the national news agency TT on Thursday. If someone wanted to separate you from your kids, how would you react?,´´ he said.
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