
African Elephant Born at San Diego Zoo Safari Park

2010-12-27 - San Diego, California, United States. Imperial Valley News

In the dark, early hours of Monday morning, an African elephant calf was born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. No human was there to witness it, but when the elephant staff arrived, about 6 a.m., they noticed the tiny, new member of the African elephant herd. Keepers called the mother, Litsemba, into an upper yard for a visual check of her and the new calf. "The baby was born out on the main exhibit in the presence of all the other moms and calves, but we wanted to make sure today that he reall...

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Baby elephant born on Valentine"s Day at Wild Animal Park

2010-02-16 - San Diego, California, United States. Tony Barboza

The San Diego Zoo ushered in Valentine’s Day with a bundle of joy that’s not so little. A male African elephant was born about 2 a.m. Sunday at the zoo’s Wild Animal Park. He and his mother Ndlula are reportedly doing well. Visitors camping overnight at the zoo could hear the herd trumpeting in the early morning -- a common behavior when a calf is born, according to the Associated Press. The elephant, which hasn’t been given a name yet, is the sixth calf born to a herd that was brought t...

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Ranchipur, the Asian bull elephant at the Wild Animal Park, during a training session this week in preparation for the move.

Four elephants moved to San Diego Zoo from Wild Animal Park

2009-04-25 - San Diego, California, United States. Tony Perry

After a year of planning and an hourlong trip on Interstate 15, four adult Asian elephants arrived safely today at the San Diego Zoo from the zoo's Wild Animal Park. The four -- the bull Ranchipur and the females Cookie, Mary and Cha Cha -- are set to star in the zoo's new Harry and Grace Steele Elephant Odyssey, which will open May 23. The zoo's three resident elephants will also be part of the exhibit, the largest (7.5 acres), most expensive ($45 million) and most complex (30 species) in zoo h...

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Lead elephant keeper Steve Hebert, left, and senior elephant keeper William Twardy, fit a chain to Ranchipur’s foot as they acclimate him to the large steel crate in which he will be moved to the San Diego Zoo.

Secrecy shrouds San Diego elephants move

2009-04-25 - San Diego, California, United States. Tony Perry

Reporting from San Diego -- Ranchipur, the bull, is ready. Cookie and Mary are getting there. Cha Cha, well, she's always been the idiosyncratic one, the youngest and a bit flighty. Soon, Ranchipur and the three females -- Asian elephants all -- will transfer from the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park to the zoo itself. The exact day and time of the move is a closely held secret. The four will be stars in the zoo's largest and most expensive exhibit: the $45-million Harry and Grace Steele Elephan...

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The new male elephant is nursing often from his mother, Umngani

Wild Animal Park welcomes baby elephant

2009-03-13 - San Diego, California, United States. Jeanette Steele, UNION-TRIBUTE

NORTH COUNTY — An African elephant calf was born early Friday morning at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park.
The little male appears healthy and is nursing often from his mother, Umngani, said zoo spokeswoman Yadira Galindo.
“He's doing great. He is wobbly on his feet, but he is walking around following his mom,” she said.
The calf, as yet unnamed, was born with 2-year-old big sister, Khosi, nearby. Zoo officials intend to keep the trio together as soon as they ar...

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Dangerous Elephant To Get Bigger Quarters

1982-11-25 - San Diego, California, United States.

Cindy, an elephant with a reputation as a dangerous animal after staying 17 years alone in cramped quarters, will be able to roam free, play in the dirt and take a dip in a pool at a new home here in the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The elephant keeper at the park says the new quarters will provide enough distraction so Cindy will lose interest in using people as toys. The elephant, 19 years old, will move here from Point Defiance Zoo, Tacoma, Wash. She had been called ''possibly the most dangero...

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6 Headlines about Elephants from San Diego, California2010-12-27 - San Diego, California, United States - African Elephant Born at San Diego Zoo Safari Park 2010-02-16 - San Diego, California, United States - Baby elephant born on Valentine"s Day at Wild Animal Park 2009-04-25 - San Diego, California, United States - Four elephants moved to San Diego Zoo from Wild Animal Park 2009-04-25 - San Diego, California, United States - Secrecy shrouds San Diego elephants move 2009-03-13 - San Diego, California, United States - Wild Animal Park welcomes baby elephant 1982-11-25 - San Diego, California, United States - Dangerous Elephant To Get Bigger Quarters

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