Taking samples: Nurzhafarina (second from right) doing studies on a pygmy elephant in the Kinabatangan forest near Sandakan recently.

Pygmy jumbos collared

2008-07-18 - SANDAKAN, Indonesia.

Three Borneo pygmy elephants in Kinabatangan were fitted with satellite collars last week, marking the start of an inaugural study on the social structure of the elephants. Danau Girang Field Centre conservation biologist Nurzhafarina Othman said that studies on the genetic aspects of the elephant had been carried out but their social structure was virtually unknown. “The collaring of the elephants will ease our access to them. The bulk of the study will be done through fieldwork with the Elep...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from SANDAKAN2008-07-18 - SANDAKAN, Indonesia - Pygmy jumbos collared

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