Y Thu Knul captured and tamed 400-500 elephants, why he is called The elephant king in Vietnam. He gave a white elephant to the king of Siam and was given the title Khun Ju Nop (Khunjunob), meaning "elephant Hunting king". He also founded the village Buon Don in Daklak, Vietnam.

Over 500 elephant persons in the latet Add-On on

2021-12-04 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

The latest Add-On on website, a section with elephant persons, has now over 500 persons, who are interlinked with locations of work. Among the last is Vietnamn most famous elephant trainer Y Thu Knul, who captured and tamed 400-500 elephants and founded Buon Don elephant village in DakLak.

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The list of elephant people is growing!

2021-11-13 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

The latest addition to the Elephant Database, presenteation of elephant people is growing, now over 300 names of legandary Circus trainers, Asian Mahouts, and head elephant keepers in Zoos.

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Is there any risks when Zoos have Facebook pages?

2021-10-03 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

Lately, I have noticed that Zoos Facebook Pages slowly more and more are taking over Zoos educational role. The latest example is about the elephant Mala in Parc Paradisio. Mala has colic, and hundreds of comments on the zoos Facebook has put the attention to Mala. People upload pictures with candles, pray for her recover etc, as if she was a human relative or a person they had a close social connection to.

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Some of the 38 wild Elephants recently spotted in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province.

Cambodian Ministry urges protection for Asian elephants

2021-04-05 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The Ministry of Environment has called on residents of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province to not disturb the wild elephants there as well as participate in their protection. The call came after a herd of 38 wild elephants was spotted and photographed by residents at the sanctuary on March 31.

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Cambodia Ministry says Asian elephants face threat

2020-11-10 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Soth Koemsoeun

Ministry of Environment spokesman Neth Pheaktra said the Asian elephant is being severely threatened in world sanctuaries. Airavata Elephant Foundation president Chenda Clais said on November 10 that wild elephants face trapping, a lack of proper shelter and daily food in the dry season. Population growth has also fuelled the human demand for land.

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Elephant News website is repaired and working!

2020-09-10 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

Good News! The Elephant News website is working again, so far just the latest news from this year, but over 7 000 old news are stored and searchable. You can also click on the links for country, location, category, or specific year to list archived news.

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Sangduen "Lek" Chailert and Elephant Nature Park (ENP), Chiang Mai, Thailand

2016-03-15 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

Its time to step forward and give a balancing report of one of the largest scams I have witnessed in Asia, in no way, a paradise for elephants or the staff, although it has according to sources, an estimated annual income between $US 3. 650. 000 and $US 5. 475. 000 dollars.

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A man climbs atop Sambo the elephant at Phnom Penh’s Royal Palace in 2000 after a woman with a hose gave Sambo a shower.

Sambo’s return to Phnom Penh city nixed

2014-06-09 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Sambo the elephant will not be allowed to return to work in Phnom Penh, because both City Hall and the Forestry Administration oppose the idea, the FA’s director-general said yesterday. The 54-year-old Sambo left the city in 2012 after decades of entertaining and giving rides to tourists at Wat Phnom, a job that left her painfully lame and in need of serious rehabilitation.

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A photo taken in 2012 shows a hidden Image of two elephants at Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat. Through a digital enhancement technique called decorrelation stretch analysis, Noel Hidalgo Tan was able to reveal the images on temple walls.

Angkor still has secrets to reveal

2014-05-29 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Every day, hundreds of pilgrimages to Angkor Wat come to an end without a single glimpse of a centuries-old secret, one that long ago faded into the ancient temple walls. By using digital photography and computer analysis, researchers recently discovered elaborate depictions and murals of elephants, trees, boats and Buddha that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye, erased from plain sight by years of weathering.

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Sambo the elephant gets hosed down by one of her caretakers yesterday on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Sambo retired two years ago after spending more than 20 years as a tourist attraction at Phnom Penh’s Wat Phnom

Short-lived retirement for Phnom Penh elephant Sambo?

2014-05-28 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Two years after she was walked out of the city in the middle of the night to a quiet life of retirement on the outskirts of the capital, Sambo, Phnom Penh’s iconic and much-beloved elephant, might soon be back at work entertaining tourists. With funding for her recently concluded rehabilitation program now gone, her owner is insisting he has little choice but to begin showcasing her once more at Wat Phnom, a decision contested by the elephant rescue organisation that bankrolled her two-year sa...

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The elephant database had half a million visits in one year!

2013-12-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

From 26 November 2012 to 27 November 2013 had almost 500 000 visitors, and totally since 23 Nov 2009 over 1,500,000 visits. Thank you for supporting the website, and promoting it during its 13 years on Internet.

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1976 elephant caretaker Ray Ryan. Elephant News have tried to reach Mr Ryan to ask what happened to Neena?

Why doesnt PAWS tell what happened to Pat Derbys elephant Neena?

2013-05-08 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Some sources state that Pat Derbus first elephant died in a barn fire. Other Sources state Neena was in a truck and it was freezing cold and they lit a fire underneath the trailer to warm her up and the trailer caught on fire. On the link below you can ask on PAWS Facebook what happened?

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Pat Derby’s Famous Wild Animals – Leggett, CA

Pat Derbys forgotten elephant Neena, that died in a barnfire 1982.

2013-05-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

I found an interesting link on Circus Fans Association of America where you can read, among other things regarding Animal Rights Activists and PAWS: "Derby rarely mentions how in her days as a trainer and operator of a roadside zoo in Buellton , CA, an elephant in her care died in a barn fire." The last line, about Neena surprised me, because for sure, it seems really like Mrs Derby doesnt want to speak about this elephant Neena. Searching through PAWS documents, and googling, it was like Neena...

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Pat Derby (1942-2013) cofounder of Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

2013-05-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

I have documents (download here) stating Pat Derbys poor competence as animal trainer, critizising her total lack of welfare for animals in her posession, as well as privately taking money away from shared bank accounts with other persons os companies.

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Intense Three-Day Operation Results in Successful Wild Elephant Rescue

2012-08-29 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

On August 27th, the crate was lifted on to a truck and the team set off for Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center, which is to be Sakor’s new home. He joins 5 other rescued Asian elephants who reside there, including Chhouk, the elephant with a prosthetic foot, whose previous rescue enclosure Sakor has now moved into.

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Funds needed for trucks of sand to elephants in Cambodia

2012-08-27 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Not long to go now!! Kiri and Seila’s new enclosure is near completion. We need funds to buy trucks of earth and sand so they can have earth between their toes and sand and mud to throw all over themselves - like real elephants should! Each truck of sand is USD 50 - a donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. Please donate today.

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Sambo on Tuesday 31st January 2012 at her new home

Sombo in Phnom Penh is retired

2012-01-31 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

On Monday 30th January 2012, Louise Rogerson from EARS, Mr Sin Sorn’s son and their mahout, walked Sombo throughout the night when the roads were quiet to her new home in Sen Sok district, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. This was her walk to freedom… her last journey for a long time… she will now live a peaceful life receiving daily medical treatment whilst her feet begin to heal.

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Campaign to save Sombo the elephant from her agony

2012-01-12 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Poor Sombo has been forced to pound the pavements for 30 years. Her feet are so deformed and infected after performing for tourists she can barely support her 5,000lb weight. And yet four days a week the 51-year-old elephant limps four kilometres through the streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. And that’s BEFORE she gets to the temple where she gives rides to tourists for nine hours a day.

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Sambo being hand fed from a tourist, who probably have minor knowledge about Tuberculosis

Can Sambo and other elephants transmit tuberculosis to people?

2012-01-06 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

Does Sambo have Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis is a medical problem which is a sleeping bomb in regards to captive elephants in Asia. TB is airborne and spreads through tiny droplets in the air. Besides people and elephants, tuberculosis also affects primates, cattle, horses and other animals.

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Sambos feet and joints are destroyed from standing on stones and asphalt 9 hrs/day/7 days a week since 1992.

What’s Sambo’s future?

2012-01-06 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ou Mom

Sambo’s health has become a matter of controversy which has brought her owner into negotiations with the Forestry Administration of Cambodia and wildlife NGO Elephant Asia Rescue and Survival Foundation (EARS) to find a solution to the suffering elephant’s medical problems.

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Records from the elephants dabase during 2011

2011-12-31 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

During 2011 submissions in the elephant database: There was 66 elephants born 2011 in the database, 32 males, 20 females. 49 were born in captivity, 22 males, 17 females. 64 records of elephants deaths in the database during 2011. 105 transfers of elephants during 2011 in the database. In The Elephants News, 359 headlines about Elephants was recorded during 2011.

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Elephants in Cambodia

2011-12-28 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

There is between 400 and 600 wild elephants in Cambodia. There is today around 120 captive elephants in Cambodia. Most of Cambodias captive elephants are privately owned by tribal peoples in eastern Cambodia.

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What can be done for the elephant Sambo in Phnom Penh?

2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Of course noone wants Sambo to suffer anymore, including her owner, Sin Sorn in Phnom Penh. What can be done for Sambo? I want to stress, that she can not be viewed only as an elephant, shes a vicitm of so many pathological issues, that shes in need of intensive medical care. And her feet are in such a bad condition, that they have to be priority over general management issues.

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Visit to Sambo in Phnom Penh 14 December 2011

2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Went to the area opposite the Australian Embassy and met Sin Sorn and Sambo, it looks almost idyllic. When you get close, the picture changes. Numerous abcesses, and she keep the worst foot lifted all the time. Her nails had really been shortened, but the laength of the nails is now a secondary problem, as can be seen here and on close-ups.

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Sambo veterinarian examination in October

2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Dr Paolo Martelli, Chief Veterinarian, Ocean Park, Hong Kong: His Conclusion states that she is painfully lame as a result of pododermatitis, osteitis, ostoelysis, deep sepsis and other lesions. Furthermore, if the lameness is not improved drastically it will lead to degeneration of all joints in all limbs.

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Sambo at temple Wat Phnom in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2011-12-16 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

I had already from Internet collected information about the female asian elephant Sambo, which were used daily for tourist rides around the temple Wat Phnom, by her owner, Sin Sorn since 1993. Sin Sorn also claims a romantic story, about him finding her again, after being separated from her during the years of Khmer Rogue.Now I should see her myself.

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Two albinistic elephants born in 2011, heres a short summary of white elephants I know.

2011-12-15 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan Koehl

An albino elephant has been born by the wild elephant Jemima around the 10th of December 2011, in Amboseli National Park. A rare sight, and probably the first albino elephant born in Amboseli. In 27th of October 2011 a captive white elephant was born in Naypyidaw Zoo (Nay Pyi Taw Zoo) in Burma, most probably the first captive bred one documented.

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Curtain falls on Sambo

2011-02-16 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Sambo, the aggressive bull elephant that rampaged through a Kampong Speu village in December, tragically died on Monday during a routine veterinary procedure at Phnom Tamao Zoo in Takeo province, said forestry officials and NGO representatives. “I’m absolutely devastated by this loss … I was directly involved in all of it,” Nick Marx, wildlife rescue director at Wildlife Alliance, said today. “The Forestry Administration wanted to sedate him so that the chains around his legs could be...

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Cambodian man killed by angry elephant

2010-08-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

A Cambodian man was killed by an angry elephant when he was trying to approach the animal with an improper manner, a police office said Saturday. Khut Sophal, a district police chief said the man who was killed by an elephant was identified as Yang Mark, 52, living in Taing Krasaing Village, Samraung Tong district in Kompong Speu province.

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Elephants are losing their natural habitats, becoming a tourist attraction

Cambodia villagers save elephants

2009-10-13 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Guy DeLauney

Conservationists in Cambodia have brokered an agreement which should see elephants living more peacefully alongside their human neighbours. Villagers living near elephant habitats have promised not to harm the animals - or disturb their environment.

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Chhouk the baby elephant

An elephants tale

2009-08-20 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Nigel Wild

The story behind how Chhouk the baby elephant gained his artificial foot is one of hope and salvation following the desperate years of his troubled homeland. It is also a story of how Cambodian medical students found themselves using techniques developed to create prosthetic limbs for mine victims to help a wild animal. Cambodia is now politically stable and tourism a major growth industry, but the legacy of war, genocide and political upheaval has left the country as one of the poorest of the d...

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Tourists and children line up to take rides on Sambo (below) at the Wat Phnom temple in Phnom Penh.

Phnom Penh"s totem elephant – Sambo – The speckle-eared pachyderm escaped machetes and famine, and now rests as Phnom Penh"s totem of good things.

2008-04-09 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Suzy Khimm

Once plentiful in the Cambodian countryside, elephants like Sambo were historically fixtures at the royal palace. While the animals still evoke the nation's ancient legacy of kings and warriors, Sambo also represents a more recent piece of Cambodian history. Having survived the machetes of the Khmer Rouge she has become one of the capital city's most visible cultural icons – a magnet for tourists, children, and those who venerate her as a sacred beast. For Sin Son, a fourth-generation elephan...

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Suspects in Elephant"s Death Arrested

2008-03-26 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Two Cambodian men have been arrested for allegedly poisoning an elephant and sawing off its tusks to sell on the black market, officials said Wednesday. The male elephant, which was chained to a tree by its owner in Rattanakiri province, about 200 miles northeast of the capital Phnom Penh, was found dead in March 2007. Police at the time said the alleged killers had doused jack fruit, a tropical fruit eaten by elephants, with rat poison. The tusks of the 62-year-old elephant, measuring almost 3 ...

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Give ELIE a chance

2008-02-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Andy Brouwer

The domestic elephant population of Mondulkiri province is facing an array of threats ranging from habitat destruction, physical abuses, and a widespread lack of facilities providing proper medical supervision and treatment, so an Englishman by the name of Jack Highworth has stepped in to fill the void. He has formed an environmental NGO called ELIE (Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment), with the primary aim of improving the medical and welfare condition of domesticated elephants, most of...

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Cambodian thieves poison elephant

2007-03-27 - PHNOM PENH, Cambodia.

Thieves in Cambodia poisoned a 62-year-old domesticated elephant and sawed off its tusks to sell on the black market, officials said Tuesday. The male elephant was found dead Saturday, where its owner had left the animal chained to a tree near his home in Rattanakiri province, said Lee Sam Ol, a district police chief.

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Magic Elephant Believed To Cure The Sick In Cambodia

2006-08-01 - Phnom Penh, United States.

In rural Cambodia where doctors and hospitals are scarce, poor villagers are turning to a magic elephant which is believed to cure illnesses ranging from typhoid to high blood pressure. A few times a month, Yey Proheu, a 70-year-old female elephant goes around to villages to offer relief to the sick with mahout, Pang Hy, and his assistants.

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Magic Elephant Believed To Cure The Sick In Cambodia

2006-08-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

In rural Cambodia where doctors and hospitals are scarce, poor villagers are turning to a magic elephant which is believed to cure illnesses ranging from typhoid to high blood pressure. A few times a month, Yey Proheu, a 70-year-old female elephant goes around to villages to offer relief to the sick with mahout, Pang Hy, and his assistants.

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Cambodia"s most wanted tiger and elephant hunter is jailed

2005-09-03 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Sebastien Berger

Cambodia's most wanted tiger hunter has been sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for the killing of hundreds of endangered animals. Yor Ngun had taken 19 tigers, 40 leopards, 30 elephants, 40 sun bears and 500 gaur (wild cattle), according to the conservation group WildAid. Snaring and trapping them in the jungles, he sold them into the Chinese wildlife trade, where body parts fetch high prices for use in traditional medicines.

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38 Headlines about Elephants from Phnom Penh2021-12-04 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Over 500 elephant persons in the latet Add-On on 2021-11-13 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - The list of elephant people is growing! 2021-10-03 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Is there any risks when Zoos have Facebook pages? 2021-04-05 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodian Ministry urges protection for Asian elephants 2020-11-10 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodia Ministry says Asian elephants face threat 2020-09-10 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Elephant News website is repaired and working! 2016-03-15 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Sangduen "Lek" Chailert and Elephant Nature Park (ENP), Chiang Mai, Thailand 2014-06-09 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Sambo’s return to Phnom Penh city nixed 2014-05-29 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Angkor still has secrets to reveal 2014-05-28 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Short-lived retirement for Phnom Penh elephant Sambo? 2013-12-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - The elephant database had half a million visits in one year! 2013-05-08 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Why doesnt PAWS tell what happened to Pat Derbys elephant Neena? 2013-05-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Pat Derbys forgotten elephant Neena, that died in a barnfire 1982. 2013-05-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Pat Derby (1942-2013) cofounder of Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) 2012-08-29 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Intense Three-Day Operation Results in Successful Wild Elephant Rescue 2012-08-27 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Funds needed for trucks of sand to elephants in Cambodia 2012-01-31 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Sombo in Phnom Penh is retired 2012-01-12 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Campaign to save Sombo the elephant from her agony 2012-01-06 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Can Sambo and other elephants transmit tuberculosis to people? 2012-01-06 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - What’s Sambo’s future? 2011-12-31 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Records from the elephants dabase during 2011 2011-12-28 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Elephants in Cambodia 2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - What can be done for the elephant Sambo in Phnom Penh? 2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Visit to Sambo in Phnom Penh 14 December 2011 2011-12-17 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Sambo veterinarian examination in October 2011-12-16 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Sambo at temple Wat Phnom in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2011-12-15 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Two albinistic elephants born in 2011, heres a short summary of white elephants I know. 2011-02-16 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Curtain falls on Sambo 2010-08-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodian man killed by angry elephant 2009-10-13 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodia villagers save elephants 2009-08-20 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - An elephants tale 2008-04-09 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Phnom Penh"s totem elephant – Sambo – The speckle-eared pachyderm escaped machetes and famine, and now rests as Phnom Penh"s totem of good things. 2008-03-26 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Suspects in Elephant"s Death Arrested 2008-02-07 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Give ELIE a chance 2007-03-27 - PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Cambodian thieves poison elephant 2006-08-01 - Phnom Penh, United States - Magic Elephant Believed To Cure The Sick In Cambodia 2006-08-01 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Magic Elephant Believed To Cure The Sick In Cambodia 2005-09-03 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodia"s most wanted tiger and elephant hunter is jailed

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