
Nepal: Koshi Tappu, CNP welcome baby elephant same day

2022-08-29 - Katmandu, Nepal.

The elephant named Loktantra Kali at the Koshi Tappu gave birth to a female calf while Saraswoti Kali at the CNP delivered a male calf on Sunday. Nepal is presently home to around 225 indigenous elephants while the number of tamed elephants is 178 (102 tamed from the government level and 76 personal). According to Director General at the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Dr Maheshwor Dhakal, both mothers and calves are in a good health condition.

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Nepal: Newly issued 1,000-rupee banknotes include depiction of twin Asian elephants

2020-08-26 - Katmandu, Nepal.

the committee decided a depiction of Ram and Lakshman, twin Asian elephants born on the 7th November 2008, in Chitwan National Park, should replace the previous and incorrect image.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Katmandu2022-08-29 - Katmandu, Nepal - Nepal: Koshi Tappu, CNP welcome baby elephant same day 2020-08-26 - Katmandu, Nepal - Nepal: Newly issued 1,000-rupee banknotes include depiction of twin Asian elephants

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