
Asian elephant Bambi arrived to Elephant Sanctuary Brazil (ESB) from Ribeirão Zoo

2020-09-26 - Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brazil. Elephant Sanctuary Brazil Blog

Bambi is home at the sanctuary! The crate is being unloaded now. The Facebook Live feed of her arrival is in progress.

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Mara the elephant found sanctuary after 50 years in circuses and zoos

2020-06-21 - CHAPADA DOS GUIMARAES, Brazil. David Martosko and Richard Miniter

After a border crossing from Argentina that was nearly scrubbed over coronavirus fears, she has the run of an animal sanctuary in Brazil’s midwestern Mato Grosso state. The May road trip to Elephant Sanctuary Brazil was four days long, and almost a waste of diesel: At the border crossing from Argentina, a COVID-19 health order had shut down all traffic for nearly a month. It took days for both countries to issue special permission to proceed.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from CHAPADA DOS GUIMARAES2020-09-26 - Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brazil - Asian elephant Bambi arrived to Elephant Sanctuary Brazil (ESB) from Ribeirão Zoo 2020-06-21 - CHAPADA DOS GUIMARAES, Brazil - Mara the elephant found sanctuary after 50 years in circuses and zoos

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