
10,000-pound elephant calls Attapulgus home as it moves into South Georgia refuge

2021-09-23 - Attapulgus, United States.

It’s a big day for South Georgia. Bo, a 10,000-pound elephant moved into his new home thanks to Elephant Aid International and George Carden, the person giving Bo a new life. He's the owner of George Carden Circus and spent many years with Bo traveling the world. Bo is the first elephant to step foot on these 850-acres filled with trees and tall grass. It's also the only elephant refuge in South Georgia.

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South Georgia elephant sanctuary welcomes first resident

2021-09-09 - Attapulgus, United States.

Elephant Refuge North America, an 850-acre natural habitat located in Attapulgus, Georgia, plans to accept its first resident later this month. Bo, a 34-year-old male elephant, is being released by the George Carden Circus after 30 years of performing, Elephant Aid International says. He was born and raised captive in Florida his entire life, but will now enjoy wide open spaces for roaming and play for the rest of his days.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Attapulgus2021-09-23 - Attapulgus, United States - 10,000-pound elephant calls Attapulgus home as it moves into South Georgia refuge 2021-09-09 - Attapulgus, United States - South Georgia elephant sanctuary welcomes first resident

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