2012-01-25 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
An elephant at Amsterdam’s Artis zoo has become the first elephant in Europe to be fitted with a contact lens. Her eye was injured during a scuffle with another elephant, the zoo says. Asian elephant Win Thida’s eye began streaming and she was evidently having trouble keeping it open because of the pain. Vet Anne-Marie Verbruggen was called in, and an examination revealed that the elephant’s cornea had been damaged, most likely by a twig.
2009-12-05 - Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ron Callari
"Twelephants" is a unique campaign that seeks to provide a safe haven for 100,000 elephants in the Elephant Corridor of Africa. In an interview recently conducted with Femke Hulsenbek, Pifworld's program officer, she noted that "Twelephants is one of the most ambitious projects on the Pifworld platform...established to raise awareness for the Elephant Corridor, enabling elephants in Botswana to roam freely across the border to Zambia."
2008-03-19 - Amsterdam, Netherlands. Artis Zoo (Translation Martijn Fabrie)
Artis is hoping for a new elephant baby next spring. Thong Tai is again pregnant after she gave birth of Yindee in August 2005. Thong Tai has been sired by Nikolai who has been in Artis since 2003. Nikolai is planned to leave Artis on April 1st to Hannover. Six elephants are waiting for him to let them be sired. After Nikolai has left, there will be three elephants left. Thong Tai with here daughter Yindee and Win Thida (38 years old), who has been mother once. (Article in dutch)
2006-02-22 - AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.
Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam announced on Wednesday that three of its elephants will be moved to Ireland this year. The herd in Rotterdam zoo is so large the management decided on a 'vertical' split of the group. The three females - Bernhardine, Jasmine and Anak, who is almost three - will be placed in a new enclosure Dublin Zoo is constructing. Bernhardine, 12, was the first elephant to be born in a Dutch zoo. All three elephants are ready to be mothers.
2005-08-03 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Yesterday evening the first elephant baby ever was born in Amsterdam's Zoo, Artis. The baby, probably a girl, was born at 22.22 (10.22 pm) in the evening. It is the first elephant ever born in Artis. At this point, the baby can only be seen through the monitoring camera. If nothing happens, mother and baby can be visited on Thursday, between 11am and 1pm, and between 3pm and 5pm.
2005-02-23 - AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.
Dutch customs police have seized a shipment of African elephant body parts, including 22 feet, eight tusks, eight ears, three tails, a skull and an entire hide, officials said Wednesday. The cargo, originating in Zimbabwe and bound for Germany, was halted at Schiphol airport in October without proper licenses. The find was announced this week following an investigation and will be permanently confiscated, spokeswoman Anita Douven said. African elephants are an endan...
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