
Tracking the Mau Mau. Philip Ngunjiri was in a group of journalists who recently trekked through the Aberdare Forest in search of the freedom fighters cave hideout

2007-08-13 - Aberdare, Kenya.

OUR WALKING SAFARI Began with a comprehensive demonstration of how to behave when encountering wild animals, especially elephants. Elephants, we were informed, are among the world’s most potentially dangerous animals capable of crushing and killing any other land animal, from humans to lions and even rhinoceros. In addition, elephants can experience unexpected bouts of rage, and can be vindictive. “In case you encounter a rogue elephant, stand still and watch its ears. If they are out, chan...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Aberdare2007-08-13 - Aberdare, Kenya - Tracking the Mau Mau. Philip Ngunjiri was in a group of journalists who recently trekked through the Aberdare Forest in search of the freedom fighters cave hideout

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