
UI professor tackles the development of tusk-less elephants

2021-11-29 - Beira, Mozambique.

A tusk-less elephant phenomenon led a University of Idaho professor to research in Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. Ryan Long, an associate professor in wildlife sciences, along with researchers from Princeton University, began their study on tusk-less elephants in 2018. Long, a large mammal ecologist, had already been working with elephants in Gorongosa, starting in 2015. The team collected genetic samples and placed trackers on the elephants to monitor their activity.

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Sun sets over the Gorongosa National Park

2020-08-20 - Beira, Mozambique. Jacob Dykes

Three elephants, two buffalo, seven hippos and a few hundred antelope – that’s all that could be spotted in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique in 1997, when a violent civil war spanning two decades had swept through the nation, imperilling humans and wildlife alike. Left denuded and depleted of wildlife following a decades-long civil war, the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique has reinvigorated its biodiversity through a trophic rewilding programme.

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Six Elephant Poachers Caught in Mozambique Reserve

2014-09-10 - MARRUPA, Mozambique.

Six suspected poachers were arrested in Marrupa on Sunday in a joint operation conducted by the Mecula District police, Luwire scouts and Niassa National Reserve Wildlife Conservation Society scouts. The arrests were the result of a 10-month investigation informed by crucial on-the-ground intelligence about their activities in the Niassa National Reserve, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society, based in New York City. The Wildlife Conservation Society has been co-managing the Niassa Nat...

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Scary close encounter as elephant rolls bakkie, breaks part of tusk

2013-11-06 - Maputo, Mozambique.

A man, who wants to remain anonymous, sustained light injuries when the elephant cow attacked his large 4x4 bakkie. He was alone in the bakkie when he visited the reserve on October 16. A cow in the herd lifted her trunk, flapped her ears and then approached his bakkie. She got so close that she scraped past his passenger side door. In an attempt to frighten them off, the panicky man decided to give the elephants an earful by pressing the vehicle’s hooter.

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Mozambique"s elephants risk obliteration

Thai custom officials display seized ivory tusks during a news conference at the customs office of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok.

2013-04-27 - Maputu, Mozambique.

Mozambique´s elephant population risks being obliterated within a decade unless tight anti-poaching measures are introduced, conservationists have warned. The alarming scale of the poaching problem has become increasingly apparent, with an aerial survey of the north of the country in 2011 tallying 2,667 elephant carcasses in the vast Niassa reserve alone.

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Mozambique: North Korean Caught Smuggling Ivory

2012-10-12 - Maputo, Mozambique.

The Mozambican customs service on Thursday seized 130 items of carved ivory, valued at about 36,000 US dollars, that a North Korean citizen named Jong Guk Kim was attempting to smuggle out of the country. According to a press release from the Mozambican tax authority (AT), Jong was returning to Korea, via South Africa, and had already checked in for his flight, when customs officers intercepted him in the departure lounge of Maputo International Airport, and demanded that he open his hand baggag...

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77 elephants killed in Mozambique reserve

2011-12-30 - Maputo, Mozambique.

Poachers have killed 77 elephants in a Niassa Game Reserve in northern Mozambique this year, Xinhua reported Thursday. Poachers, reportedly from Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique, have also cut trees indiscriminately in the reserve, the local media reported. The provincial authorities have intensified operations to nab the criminals.

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Poachers slaughter elephants in Niassa

2011-11-04 - Niassa, Mozambique.

So far this year, poachers have killed at least 52 elephants in the Niassa Reserve, in the far north of Mozambique, according to a report in Wednesday’s issue of the Beira daily paper “Diario de Mocambique”. Last year, the poachers, many of whom have crossed the border from Tanzania, killed 72 elephants in the reserve. Usually, the poachers hack off the tusks, and leave the elephants’ bodies to rot in the bush.

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Mozambique: Poachers Kill 12 Elephants in Quirimbas Park

2011-09-20 - Maputo, Mozambique.

Poachers have killed at least 12 elephants in the space of a week in the Quirimbas National Park (PNQ), in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado. The PNQ is a fully protected area covering around 7,500 square kilometres. It consists of the islands of the Quirimbas archipelago, and a large stretch of mainland bush and forest.

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SA elephants "create panic" in Moz

2008-09-26 - Maputo, Mozambique.

An unspecified number of elephants which escaped from South Africa's Kruger Park are creating panic and destroying crops in Mozambique's poor districts of Moamba and Magude, reported the daily Noticias on Friday. The paper said on its online edition that the elephants were invading the local farmers' gardens, destroying winter crops. Xavier Mendonca, Moamba district director for economic activities, was quoted by the paper as saying officers from the wildlife and forestry services had been instr...

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Mozambique army puts elephants in sights

This handout picture by the Zoological Society of San Diego shows a mother and a baby elephant, 11 September 2007. The Mozambican government on Monday authorised soldiers to gun down wild animals who are seen as a threat to human beings after a new repor

2007-09-18 - Maputu, Mozambique.

The Mozambican government on Monday authorised soldiers to gun down wild animals who are seen as a threat to human beings after a new report highlighted an increase in the number of deadly attacks. The number of people killed by wild animals keeps increasing, said the government-sponsored report which found that around 300 people had been killed in the last decade. Elephants and crocodiles were responsible for most of these deaths, said government spokesman Luis Covane. The government has theref...

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2004-07-26 - Maputo, Mozambique. Joe Holmes, University of Pretoria

The initial count was done in October 2002 for CERU, the Conservation Ecology Research Unit of the University of Pretoria. We received a request from Dr Tim Jackson in the early part of this year to do a follow up count to enable comparisons to be drawn.

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Gorongosa National Park receives 500 elephants from Botswana

2004-06-28 - Maputo, Mozambique. Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique

The Gorongosa National Park, in the central Mozambican province of Sofala, is to receive 500 elephants from Botswana, during the second half of this year, as part of its restocking programme, reports Monday's issue of the Maputo daily "Noticias".

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13 Headlines about Elephants from Mozambique2021-11-29 - Beira, Mozambique - UI professor tackles the development of tusk-less elephants 2020-08-20 - Beira, Mozambique - 2014-09-10 - MARRUPA, Mozambique - Six Elephant Poachers Caught in Mozambique Reserve 2013-11-06 - Maputo, Mozambique - Scary close encounter as elephant rolls bakkie, breaks part of tusk 2013-04-27 - Maputu, Mozambique - Mozambique"s elephants risk obliteration 2012-10-12 - Maputo, Mozambique - Mozambique: North Korean Caught Smuggling Ivory 2011-12-30 - Maputo, Mozambique - 77 elephants killed in Mozambique reserve 2011-11-04 - Niassa, Mozambique - Poachers slaughter elephants in Niassa 2011-09-20 - Maputo, Mozambique - Mozambique: Poachers Kill 12 Elephants in Quirimbas Park 2008-09-26 - Maputo, Mozambique - SA elephants "create panic" in Moz 2007-09-18 - Maputu, Mozambique - Mozambique army puts elephants in sights 2004-07-26 - Maputo, Mozambique - MAPUTO ELEPHANT RESERVE RE-COUNT 21st July-26th July 2004 2004-06-28 - Maputo, Mozambique - Gorongosa National Park receives 500 elephants from Botswana

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