
2021-06-23 - Palermo, Italy.

A team of UK and international scientists has confirmed that one of the largest land mammals that ever lived lost 8,000kg to evolve into a now-extinct species of dwarf elephant. In addition, the animal that once lived an isolated existence on the Italian island of Sicily also reduced in height by two metres to create a remarkable transformation.

According to information released by the University of York in the UK, the Sicilian dwarf elephant – thought to have become extinct abo...

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The Pope"s Elephant

Elephant and Obelisk by Gianlorenzo Bernini

2016-11-28 - Rome, Italy.

In 1514, King Manuel I of Portugal gave Pope Leo X a white Indian Elephant named Hanno. When Hanno arrived in the Vatican—after sailing from Cochin, on India´s southwest coast, to Lisbon and from Lisbon to Rome, he was an enormous sensation.

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Escaped circus elephant squats Italian garden

Residents of an Italian village were surprised to find an elephant relaxing in their garden on Tuesday after she escaped from a travelling circus, the ANSA news agency reported.

2010-04-27 - Rome, Italy.

Residents of an Italian village were surprised to find an elephant relaxing in their garden on Tuesday after she escaped from a travelling circus, the ANSA news agency reported. The elephant, named Dumbo and weighing around three-and-a-half tonnes, took a walk from her cage shortly after the Armando Orfei circus arrived in the village of Bassano, around 100 kilometres (65 miles) north of Rome.

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Flavio Togni, Circo Americano. Rome, January 2007.

2007-01-28 - Rome, Italy. Raffaele De Ritis

A partial view of the 12 elephants. Costumes and harnesses glows in the dark. "I must say, this certainly puts things into proper perspective as compared to the crap Ken & Nicole keep cranking out these days." Buckles Woodcock

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Italy2021-06-23 - Palermo, Italy - 2016-11-28 - Rome, Italy - The Pope"s Elephant 2010-04-27 - Rome, Italy - Escaped circus elephant squats Italian garden 2007-01-28 - Rome, Italy - Flavio Togni, Circo Americano. Rome, January 2007.

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