
Elephant Calf Born in Budapest Zoo

2021-04-29 - Budapest, Hungary.

n elephant calf was born in the Budapest Zoo in the small hours of Wednesday, the zoo told MTI. The delivery went without complications and the calf weighing 80kg stood up and started feeding soon after, the zoo said. The zoo has published videos of the birth on its website and will present the newcomer in a live stream on Thursday.

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Jack the elephant bull (27) has moved from Basel Zoo and returned home to Sosto Zoo in Hungary.

2020-10-22 - Sosto, Hungary.

Jack moved into the new, recently opened Tembea elephant enclosure in May 2017. He spent three and a half years at Basel Zoo. Last Tuesday, he returned to Hungary as agreed. There were no offspring born during his stay – even though he had some encounters with Basel Zoo’s females, none of them became pregnant.

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TikTok fame: From Elephant Boy"s circus tricks to a Chinese teacher

Rene Casselly has become known as "elephant boy" with his TikTok stunts

2020-08-23 - Budapest, Hungary. Zhang Nini

Rene Casselly, a seventh generation animal trainer in Hungary, has risen to fame for his amazing stunts that have earned him the nickname Elephant Boy. He now has more than 1.5million followers.

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2013-02-14 - Budapest, Hungary.

After 52 years, an elephant baby was born at the Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden. The baby was born on Thursday morning, February 14. The baby and mother are hermetically closed off from the outside world. The public may not view them yet, and only designated keepers and veterinarians may enter the Elephant House.

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Asian bull elephant Assam transfered to Budapest

2009-10-28 - Budapest, Hungary.

The nine year old asian elephant bull Assam, born in Chester Zoo (Chang x Thai (Thi Ha Way), was transfered yesterday to Budapest Zoo in Hungary.

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Packed trunk

2009-10-20 - Nyiregyhaza, Hungary.

Orphaned elephant calf Jumanee may soon be packing his trunk as zoo bosses try to find him an adoptive mum. The heartbroken youngster lost his mum in August when she died of cancer and stood guard over the spot where her body fell for days trumpeting plaintively. Now keepers in Nyiregyhaza Zoo, Hungary, think they've found him a new mum in France. Zoo director Laszlo Gajdos said: "It really does hurt to see him being so sad. Accepting a substitute mum is not easy, but we hope, it will help the e...

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Big picture month: No greater love

Orphaned 2-year-old African elephant Jumaane climbs on the back of his dead mother, Yoki, Friday in the Nyiregyhaza Animal Park, 245 kilometres east of Budapest, Hungary. Yoki, 19, died the day before, apparently of a tumour in her spleen. Jumaane stayed

2009-08-23 - Budapest, Hungary. ATTILA BALAZS

Today's photo was taken by Attila Balazs and shows elephants. Orphaned 2-year-old African elephant Jumaane climbs on the back of his dead mother, Yoki, Friday in the Nyiregyhaza Animal Park, 245 kilometres east of Budapest, Hungary. Yoki, 19, died the day before, apparently of a tumour in her spleen. Jumaane stayed with his mother’s body for 14 hours. Keepers say the calf has been looking for his mother, weeping, since the body was removed from the elephant house. View our elephants photo gall...

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Real estate developer adopts elephant Zitta in Budapest zoo

2007-12-05 - Budapest, Hungary.

A real estate developer has paid half million forints (about 2,000 euros) to adopt a female elephant in the Budapest zoo and asked a popular actor to serve as stepfather, it was announced on Wednesday. Actor Sandor Csanyi said he would be delighted to be pachyderm Zitta's stepfather on behalf of Elephant Holding and stated that he had loved babar as a child and had written to Santa Claus asking for an elephant when he was eight years old.

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German drug maker saves baby elephant in NE Hungary

2007-10-05 - Budapest, Hungary.

A German pharmaceuticals company from Hamburg has saved a baby elephant born in the zoo of Nyiregyhaza, N Hungary, last month by supplying a special milk replacement feed after the mother was unable to feed the calf, a spokesperson said on Friday. The baby was the first African elephant born in Hungary, on September 4. The mothers milking glands got inflamed after giving birth and so the baby elephant had to be hand-fed at hourly intervals with the special milk supplied from the German company f...

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Employment Prospects Bleak for Cute New Elefant

2007-09-05 - Budapest, Hungary. Pestiside Staff

You may have read over on Caboodle that Hungary's first ever African elephant was born in captivity at Nyíregyháza Zoo yesterday. However, reading about it is nothing compared to seeing the supercute MTI snaps (the one above with a not-so-cute handler) via the supercute Cukiság, Index's blog dedicated to all things that make you want to go Awwww. However, when the baby bull's time comes to pack his trunk, government tightening of the animal labor market may leave him jobless.

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First ever African elephant born in Hungary

2007-09-05 - Sostoi ut, Hungary.

An elephant has been born in Hungary for the first time in 50 years at the Nyíregyháza Zoo Tuesday afternoon. Zoo Director László Gajdos said that this is also the first African elephant to be born in the country, as all previous elephant babies were Indian. The mother elephant, Yoki, arrived at the zoo from Israel last year. A few months ago, her pregnancy was revealed in a laboratory in Berlin. Yesterday afternoon, Yoki was walking in her runner when an attendant noticed that her water had...

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Elephant escapes from Hungarian National Circus

2007-07-02 - Balatonlelle, Hungary. All Hungary News

An elephant owned by the Hungarian National Circus escaped from the company's tent in Balatonlelle on Saturday, one day after the circus premiered its new show in the town. Szandra, a 30-year-old female elephant who has starred in James Bond movies, pulled the poles of the "electric shepherd" from the ground, then stepped over the wires and left the camp. Early Saturday morning, she was seen grazing on a nearby field. The circus director was immediately notified, and did not have any problems he...

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Mammoth fossils discovered in Southern Hungary

2006-08-09 - Budapest, Hungary.

A fossilized mammoth skull, including a meter-and-a-half section of a tusk and several teeth, was discovered in Zok, a village near the city of Pecs in South Hungary, a spokesman for Pecs University said on Wednesday. Initial digs suggested that the mammoth had been hunted and killed by humans, which makes the find even more interesting. Mammoth fossils were last found in July, when a calf and an adult were unearthed at the shore of Lake Balaton in W Hungary, while constructing a road.

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13 Headlines about Elephants from Hungary2021-04-29 - Budapest, Hungary - Elephant Calf Born in Budapest Zoo 2020-10-22 - Sosto, Hungary - Jack the elephant bull (27) has moved from Basel Zoo and returned home to Sosto Zoo in Hungary. 2020-08-23 - Budapest, Hungary - TikTok fame: From Elephant Boy"s circus tricks to a Chinese teacher 2013-02-14 - Budapest, Hungary - ELEPHANT BABY BORN ON VALENTINE’S DAY 2009-10-28 - Budapest, Hungary - Asian bull elephant Assam transfered to Budapest 2009-10-20 - Nyiregyhaza, Hungary - Packed trunk 2009-08-23 - Budapest, Hungary - Big picture month: No greater love 2007-12-05 - Budapest, Hungary - Real estate developer adopts elephant Zitta in Budapest zoo 2007-10-05 - Budapest, Hungary - German drug maker saves baby elephant in NE Hungary 2007-09-05 - Budapest, Hungary - Employment Prospects Bleak for Cute New Elefant 2007-09-05 - Sostoi ut, Hungary - First ever African elephant born in Hungary 2007-07-02 - Balatonlelle, Hungary - Elephant escapes from Hungarian National Circus 2006-08-09 - Budapest, Hungary - Mammoth fossils discovered in Southern Hungary

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