2020-09-26 - Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brazil. Elephant Sanctuary Brazil Blog
Bambi is home at the sanctuary! The crate is being unloaded now. The Facebook Live feed of her arrival is in progress.
2020-06-21 - CHAPADA DOS GUIMARAES, Brazil. David Martosko and Richard Miniter
After a border crossing from Argentina that was nearly scrubbed over coronavirus fears, she has the run of an animal sanctuary in Brazil’s midwestern Mato Grosso state. The May road trip to Elephant Sanctuary Brazil was four days long, and almost a waste of diesel: At the border crossing from Argentina, a COVID-19 health order had shut down all traffic for nearly a month. It took days for both countries to issue special permission to proceed.
2016-09-28 - Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Brazil is ready to open the first elephant sanctuary in Latin America. The facility is located on a 1,100-hectare farm (2,700 acres) in the midwestern state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The area will host up to 50 elephants – and the first elephants to call the sanctuary home will be three females who retired from the circus. The sanctuary, entirely financed by international NGOs, will not be opened to visitation.
2010-07-21 - Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Scientists in Brazil say a fossil of an elephant´s tooth found in the Amazon jungle proves the presence of pachyderms in South America some 45,000 years ago, a report said on Tuesday. The fossil was discovered at the start of the 1990s by a precious metals researcher, but a university student only noticed its laminate structure years later.
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