
Asia: Elephant rage claims dozens of lives in Indonesian villages

2007-08-09 - Ulu Semong, Indonesia. EIKI YANO

Elephants are renowned for their gentle characters. But they become brutal under certain conditions. That is how 50-year-old Mujarianto, from the farming village of Ulu Semong on Sumatra Island, is likely to remember them for the remainder of his days. In late May, the coffee farmer fled his house with his eldest daughter, 17, as a herd of rampaging elephants stormed toward the cabin. But his 35-year-old wife and 3-year-old daughter were unable to escape. The elephants caught the pair with their...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Ulu Semong2007-08-09 - Ulu Semong, Indonesia - Asia: Elephant rage claims dozens of lives in Indonesian villages

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