

2006-09-28 - Tampa, Florida, United States. EAZA

Tampa is committed to becoming a world-class zoo. Join our growing team of professionals as we raise standards of physical care and behavioral stimulation for our animals, and offer exciting interactive experiences for our guests. Looking for a stimulating work environment with great pay, fantastic benefits, and a strong leadership team dedicated to your professional development? Then bring that positive attitude to Busch Gardens Tampa!

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AZA Annual Conference 2006

2006-09-25 - Tampa, Florida, United States.

This year you can visit three AZA institutions during the conference. All three of your hosts will be holding events designed specifically for our Conference. The Florida Aquarium will be hosting the Ice Breaker, Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo will present Zoo Day and Busch Gardens Tampa will offer an evening of animals, thrill rides and entertainment.

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African Elephant calf born at Tampa"s Lowry Park

2005-10-19 - Tampa, Florida, United States.

Surrounded by the zoos family of elephants, Ellie, a 20-year-old, African elephant at Tampas Lowry Park Zoo gave birth to the male calf before dawn Monday, October 17, in her night house maternity ward. The calf represents the first and only elephant born at Tampas Lowry Park Zoo. Upon arriving at the zoo early Monday, elephant keepers were greeted at the door of the maternity ward by the 205-pound baby elephant already standing on his own.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from Tampa, Florida2006-09-28 - Tampa, Florida, United States - Busch Gardens: ASSOCIATE ANIMAL CARE SPECIALIST (ELEPHANTS) 2006-09-25 - Tampa, Florida, United States - AZA Annual Conference 2006 2005-10-19 - Tampa, Florida, United States - African Elephant calf born at Tampa"s Lowry Park

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