The mastodon was found immediately outside the cave during a 2006 dig. The dig continues into 2009; who knows what other treasures might be unearthed

Ice Age Ivory Carving Discovered

2008-08-19 - Stetten ob Lontal, Germany. Silke Jeklic

It was a cool afternoon. A small gathering of people assembled at the Swabian village Stetten ob Lontal, in Germany. They waited for a guided trip to Vogelherd Cave. It cannot be called a real cave, like one that allows you to descend deeply into the earth and that might feature artfully dripping stalactite and stalagmite sculptures, perhaps like the Charlotte Cave and other natural caves found in the Swabian Alps. Excursion leader Brigitta Roeck led the group in stages up a soft, rain-soaked fo...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Stetten ob Lontal2008-08-19 - Stetten ob Lontal, Germany - Ice Age Ivory Carving Discovered

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